Have you ever noticed a difference in how you feel when drinking cold versus room temperature water? If not, there's a good chance you at least have a preference for one or the other, when it comes to what you reach for when you're thirsty. And there are several possible reasons for that.
The stomach reacts differently to cold water, than it does to warm, which can in turn affect digestion. The temperature of water can also impact your circulation, according to experts, and can even contribute to things like headaches. When it comes to hydration, though, it's important to keep in mind that water is water, no matter the temp.
"All water is good," Dr. Jill Blakeway, a licensed and board-certified doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and founder and clinical herbalist at Yinova, tells Bustle. "Cold water is refreshing and cooling. It’s great on a hot day and a good choice after exercise."
But you can feel free to choose whichever temperature you like best. "Drinking warm water may be better in some instances where as drinking cold water might also be more beneficial," registered dietician Vanessa Rissetto, tells Bustle. "It really boils down to preference and what you feel might be right for you." Read on for more facts about cold versus room temperature water, according to experts.
1Room Temperature Water Can Make You Less Thirsty
Drinking warmer water can actually make you less thirsty, which is something to keep in mind if you're trying to stay hydrated. "This can be dangerous on days when your body is losing water through sweating to try to keep cool," Rissetto says. "If you do opt to drink warm water, be aware that you may not feel thirsty as often as you should."
2Cold Water Is Beneficial After A Workout
While water of any temperature will help rehydrate you after a workout, going for cold water may be a good idea if you're feeling hot and sweaty. "Cold water is cooling so it can be helpful during exercise or when you are overheated," Dr. Blakeway says. That's why you may want to keep an icy water bottle with you, to sip on post-run.
3Room Temperature Water Aids In Digestion
For the most efficient digestion, drinking room temperature — or even warm water — is where it's at. "In Chinese medicine we advocate drinking warm water because of its effect on the digestive system," Dr. Blakeway says. "Drinking cold water can congeal the fats in food and because of that can make the digestive system sluggish."
4Cold Water Can Give You A Headache
One study revealed that drinking cold water can make it more likely you'll get a headache, Dr. Blakeway says. And it even increase your chances of getting a migraine.
5Room Temperature Water Combats Constipation
"Unlike cold water, warm water improves circulation and can relax muscles, [which can help] combat constipation and abdominal cramping," Dr. Blakeway says. If you're feeling a little uncomfortable, a room temperature glass of water, or even a warm cup of tea, can help relax the stomach muscles and get things moving.
6Cold Water Can Stuff Up Your Sinuses
According to Dr. Blakeway, studies have shown that drinking cold water can make the mucus in your sinuses thicker, and therefore more difficult to pass. So if you're sick, and need to blow your nose a lot, warmer water will be your new best friend.
7Room Temperature Water Boosts Metabolism
Drinking warmer water can increase your overall body temperature. And that can be beneficial for your metabolism, Dr. Blakeway says.
And yet, when it comes time to grab a glass of water, it's really up to you whether you pour it straight out of the fridge, or go for water that's room temperature. There are benefits and downsides to both, so it should be all about your personal preference.