7 Unmissable Shows Coming To Netflix That Will Totally Ruin Your Summer Social Life

It's summer, which means it's officially annual leave time. Who doesn't want a week off work when the sun's out, the weather's warm, and the world is generally a happier place? But come on, let's be honest here. What perfect day off would be complete without a long lie–in with your life partner, Netflix? Exactly. If that sounds like you, I have great news, my friend. There are a bunch of new Netflix series starting in July.
Oh yes, you heard me. The kind people that head up Netflix are planning on catering to your every need this summer. There are brand new seasons of some of the network's most popular shows in store, as well as some brand spanking new original series. Bring it on I say. With a heatwave in full blast across the UK, things are seriously heating up and who says your screens aren't heating up too?
Trust me, the crew over at Netflix HQ have put together lots of options that will have you yearning for at least one day of rubbish weather so you won't feel guilty about sinking your teeth into the latest viewing delights instead of heading outside. Here, I've compiled a list of all the exciting newbies that will be popping up on your screen in just a couple of days' time. Enjoy.
1'Orange Is The New Black' — Season 6
It's back baby. OITNB is one of those shows where you try super hard to space out watching it but then suddenly it's 5am and you have watched the whole thing. Meh, who cares.
Season 5's finale left a heck of a lot of unanswered questions. Lots of things to be happy about but also, lots a cliffhangers which leaves room for heaps of exciting new storylines. But how are they going to bring it back with even new and even more exciting twists and turns? And what about that chicken? Well, all will be revealed.
Release date: July 27
2'Good Girls' — Season 1
It is super exciting to see Christina Hendricks back on the small screen. More exciting though, is that former star of Parks and Recreation and all-round favourite Donna Meagle is in this too.
This show is the story of three suburban mums in financial crisis, who decide to go ham on everyone's butts and rob a supermarket. Seems like a good plan right? Obviously worst plan ever but like, the trailer alone will have you hooked.
Turn this on, and treat yo self.
Release date: July 3
3'Anne With An E' — Season 2
Dramatic re-telling of an old literary favourite Anne of Green Gables, this gem is a fantastic coming of age drama. It's not often I would admit to preferring a TV dramatisation of a book but this time, it's easy.
I swear this is more racy and exciting than the book was.
Release date: July 6
4'Samantha' — Series 1
Another Netflix original, this is the first Brazilian comedy produced by Netflix.
It tells the story of Samantha, who was once the biggest child star around, trying desperately to claw back a career and return to her former success.
Lots of ridiculous projects, schemes, and ideas make this pretty enjoyable light entertainment.
Release date: July 6
5'Suits' — Season 8
Meghan Markle's former place of work before she became a full-time princess, Suits is returning for its eighth season.
An American legal drama, Suits is everything you want from a sexed-up version of a work place. If only all lawyers looked like this.
Release date: July 19
6'Roman Empire: Reign Of Blood: Master Of Rome' — Season 1
If you are looking for action and drama in colossal (yes that was a colosseum joke) amounts, turn this on.
What is more wild, violent, dramatic, and sexy as hell than the Romans, right?
This series focuses on the Roman emperor Julius Caesar, who rose to establish one heck of a dynasty. With power, however, comes great responsibility and of course, we all know what happened to him. Not ideal really.
Dramatised and narrated, you feel like you are being educated, while also seeing all the excitement. Perfection.
Release date: July 27
7'A Very Secret Service' — Season 2
This little nugget is about André Merlaux, a young man enlisted by the French Secret Service in the 1960's at the very height of the Cold War.
A Netflix original, this deliciously stylish period comedy/drama piece, will have you trying to brush up on your French.
Release date: July 30
With heaps of new options on Netflix, even the most hardcore "I've seen it all" aficionado will be satisfied this summer. Looks to me as though July is definitely set to be a scorcher; even if only in your living room.