These 7 Meditations Can Help You Beat Stress During This Month’s Full Moon

Though the moon will appear full on the night of April 18, it won't be until April 19 at 7:12 a.m. that the April's full moon will reach its official peak, hiding in the brightness of the morning sky. Astrologically, this full moon will bring with it not just a reflection of light, but a reflection of our personal lives as well. Get yourself prepared with some mediations for April's full moon, because the spring awakening starts now. Though spring began last month, this month will mark the start of blooming season. All of the energy that's been building since the first thawing is finally getting ready to bud and flower.
Referred to as the "pink moon" by Native American tribes, this moon represents the time of year when many flowers, including the wild ground phlox, bloom and change the visual landscape of our surroundings. All at once we wake up into a world in which vibrant colors are a part of our every day, and we no longer are are limited to the dull and dreary colors of winter. With all of the environmental changes during this time of year, come many other changes that aren't as easy to spot as a flower in a garden.
Bustle talked to astrologer Kyle Thomas about what the April full moon has in store for us in terms of the cosmos and learned that in the same way that the outside world is bursting with changes that have been in the works for a long time, our personal worlds are about to as well — particularly, our relationships. Thomas tells Bustle that "if we are not being fulfilled or honest with the balance in our relationships in love or business, they will end or transform." However, if they're in a good place, and we are fulfilled by them, "they will evolve and grow to the next level of happiness."
With all of this energy in the atmosphere encouraging us to evaluate our relationships, we might be feeling on edge and stressed out, Thomas says, so now is a great time to work on relaxing your mind, organizing your thoughts, and finding the space to listen to your heart and officially make the changes that have been growing underground for the last few months. Here are a few mediations that will help you figure out what needs to get weeded and what can stay.
Relationship Improving Meditation
If you can't figure out where you stand with your current relationship status, this mediation will help make that more clear to you. If it's not working out, now is the time to let go. If it is working out, now is the time to move it forward, if your partner is on the same page. If you're not on the same page, be clear, but be patient.
Trust Yourself Meditation
It can be scary to trust your gut, but sometimes all you need is a pep talk to believe in yourself and the power of your own intuition. This guided meditation will help you believe in yourself and value your perspective.
Reflection Mediation
The full moon is always a great time to reflect on the month behind and the month ahead, but if you have trouble focusing on specific action items, this mediation will streamline that process for you.
Breathing Exercise Mediation
When you're feeling overwhelmed with heavy decisions, sometimes you just need to stop and breathe — correctly. This guided breathing exercise will help you connect to your breath and quiet your mind. Really, you should do this mediation every day, regardless of the lunar phase!
Stress Reducing Meditation
We don't make smart choices when we're stressed. Follow this meditation to get rid of some of the chaos in your mind, that way you can be confident in the calm and rational choice you make for yourself.
Mindful Meditation
If you're looking for something a little bit different and more personal, this mindful meditation is a great way to get in the present, refocus, and slow down your thoughts.
Self Love Meditation
There's no better relationship to focus on than the relationship you have with yourself. Regardless of if you're in a relationship with a partner or not, you have to make sure you're feeling connected and loving with yourself, in order to make sure that you're being open and loving with other. Reconnect to yourself with this guided mediation, and then think about your external relationships after.