7 Pieces Under $30 You Can Buy In The New ‘Friends’ Pottery Barn Collection

It's here. It's better than Christmas. It's better than your birthday. It's better than when Chipotle doesn't charge you for extra guac. Home decor honoring the greatest show ever has officially hit shelves. If you're ready to spend some cash — but not too much cash — I've rounded up seven pieces under $30 you can buy in the new Friends collection at Pottery Barn. And as a loyal fan of the show, let me tell you — they don't disappoint.
When the internet first caught wind of the Friends collection, everyone knew there'd be mugs and — brace yourself — an apothecary table. Apothecary table! PB could've stopped there and our lives would've been complete. But no. Oh no. They kept going. On July 30, they released the full collection, and please don't shop without adult supervision. It won't end well. You've been warned.
Our obsession with Friends hasn't dimmed. The comedy was unreal, and the series gave us hope that friendships truly can stand the test of time, love can be found around the most unexpected corner, and you can afford rent in New York if you're serving coffee for a living.
Pottery Barn's wicker chairs are nice and all, but they really outdid themselves this time. Here are seven Friends products you can get online at PB for less than $30. (And if you want to drop some *serious* dough, go get yourself an apothecary table.)
1Central Perk Travel Mug
Want to drink your java on the go? Ditch whatever plain stainless steel travel mug you've been drinking out of and opt for this Central Perk-themed one instead. It's made of porcelain and the lid is silicone, and I'm pretty sure Gunther would give his stamp of approval.
But if, for some reason, travel mugs aren't quite your jam...
2Central Perk Mug
Can't you already picture yourself enjoying your morning cup of steaming green tea from this bad boy? Me too. Close your eyes and dream hard, and it'll almost feel like you're sitting on the couch at Central Perk, chatting it up with Monica while Rachel gives you a refill.
3Door Pillow
I bet you never thought a door could be so famous. Friends proved us wrong. The door of the ladies' apartment deserves its own show, with its yellow frame around the peephole that serves absolutely no purpose. Did we ever care? No. No we did not.
4"You're My Lobster" Mug
"He's her lobster!" One of the most precious, amazing, flawless lines ever spoken by Phoebe in the history of the show. Do you have a lobster in your life? Or maybe you're your own lobster? You're probably going to need this mug.
If you want to have the coolest house in the neighborhood, just put this "Welcome Friends" doormat on your porch. Everyone will love you for it — family, the Amazon delivery guy, unwelcome solicitors...
6Logo Mug With Lyrics
Everybody who loves Friends loves this song. Heck, people who never even watched Friends (heathens!) love this song anyway. There's nothing we enjoy more than singing along and clapping at all the wrong parts. Now, you can have the mug to match.
7Joey Doesn't Share Food Mug
Joey had many amazing qualities and talents. His acting? Unparalleled. His pick-up lines? Untouchable. ("How you doin?") Sharing food, however, wasn't really one of his strengths. Not even for his beautiful date. Not even for Ross! Don't touch his stuffed clams. Don't touch his chocolate chip muffin. They're his — all his. Joey doesn't share food.