All The Epic Moments You Might Have Missed From The 'Cloak & Dagger' Season 2 Premiere

Spoilers ahead for the Cloak & Dagger Season 2 premiere. Marvel’s teenage superhero duo is finally back for another round of light and darkness combining to take New Orleans by storm. Cloak & Dagger’s Season 2 premiere caught up with Tyrone/Cloak and Tandy/Dagger eight months after they saved their city from being completely consumed by the Terror.
Tyrone’s still living in the shadows as the primary suspect for Fuchs’ murder while Tandy is starting to get her personal life in order via therapy, dance, and reconnecting with her mom. The pair has been using their powers separately (and dangerously) to effect change but their actions haven’t been devoid of major consequences. As expected, there have been secrets and lies between them but they always manage to pull it together when it counts.
And, Ty and Tandy really need to get along right now because there’s so much going down in New Orleans. Black girls are being snatched from their neighborhoods while the police essentially turn a blind eye, kidnappers are drugging random women, and something really strange is going on with O’Reilly. Thankfully, the duo have been sharpening their skills but they will absolutely need each other to prepare for the oncoming storm that Mayhem is preparing to rain on everyone who gets in her path. And, if the premiere is any indication, this is going to be explosive thrill ride for the Divine Pairing.
Here’s all the great moments from Cloak & Dagger’s 2-hour Season 2 debut:
Tyrone & Tandy Do Movie Night
Ty and Tandy might be busy with their individual issues, but there's always time for a movie night. The pair link up at the infamous dusty church aka Tyrone’s new digs and play catch-up while watching a black and white Zorro flick via a projector screen.
Tandy discovers that Tyrone has sharped his teleporting skills (we are so proud of you Ty) and they have a heart to heart chat about being heroes, loneliness, and Tyrone’s ongoing conundrum of still being framed for a murder. It’s an interesting switch to see Tandy reclaiming the solid home life that Tyrone once had while he’s sad about being isolated from his parents and Evita.
Tandy’s Great Revenge
Tyrone might be cleaning up the streets by taking money and drugs from criminals, but he’s not the only one serving vigilante justice. Tandy uses her therapy sessions to connect with abuse victims so she can track down the abusers and threaten their lives. She meets Mikayla, who is in denial about her boyfriend Jeremy's physical and verbal violence. So Tandy creeps into his house, rips up his couch, and scrawls “LEAVE HER ALONE” into the wall with her dagger of light.
Sadly, her plan to make him end the relationship backfired when Mikayla decided to take Jeremy back after he lied about the incident and make himself look remorseful for his actions. Tandy and Ty have good intentions at heart, but they have to realize that they have no control over the aftermath of their decisions.
Tandy To Tyrone's Rescue
Tandy may not come when you want her to, but she’s always right on time. Tyrone was caught off guard during another raiding mission, beaten up, and nearly shot when Tandy showed up to help him escape. Naturally, this led to the 7,976 argument between them as she questioned why he kept his activities a secret while he called her out on going on her own solo missions.
This scene showed how Tyrone is still racked with guilt over Duane’s murder as well as other mistakes he made last season and how Tandy can be inherently patronizing and somewhat hypocritical about certain issues. Thankfully, their feud was short lived when Tyrone teleported to her dance studio to offer an apology and ask for her help on his next mission.
The Club Meeting Turned Massacre
Tyrone decided to take a more legal approach towards a powerful street gang by recording an organized meeting. So, he recruited his partner-in-fighting crime to help him plant a recording device in a club meeting room.
Tyrone and Tandy always work perfectly together and she even convinced her straight laced pal to have a little fun, but everything went south when the meeting turned into a massacre. The scene of Ty and Tandy running through the crowd in tandem and him teleporting into the room while she bursts in with her dagger was a perfect way to wrap up the first hour.
The Introduction of Vèvè
Tyrone noticed a strange symbol on the floor of the club massacre, so he went to Evita’s aunt Chantelle for answers. She told him the marking was a vèvè, a transactional prayer and vodoun (voodoo) method used for summoning a lwa (loa), which is the equivalent of a saint or a god. This conversation checks out in real life according to Britannica.com’s vèvè article about the intricate drawings. Tyrone’s particular vèvè is belongs to a death lwa, which makes sense considering he wields power over darkness. It can also be a sign that Ty will be the one to get revenge or justice for the man who drew the symbol.
Vodoun played a role in Season 1, but it will take on a much bigger part this season. Why did a dying man draw it on the floor with drugs? And, how will it shape Tyrone’s seasonal arc? He later learned to draw the symbol and somehow used it to help him connect to a mysterious kidnapping victim (who happens to be the same girl Tandy was trying to save) and teleport with another person in tow. So, it will be interesting to see how this symbol plays into the overall narrative of this season.
Ty and Evita’s Angry and Awkward Reunion
Tyrone has an unexpected reunion with Evita when she pops up during his conversation with her aunt. Of course, Evita is angry about him being MIA for eight months even though she knows he was just trying to keep her safe. Tyrone reveals his teleporting powers to Evita, which makes her mad all over again because, duh, he can totally pop up and leave quickly at any time.
She eventually visits him at the church, apologizes, and helps him learn how to properly draw the Vèvè. He teleports her along with him and they finally kiss and make up. Sorry Tyrandy shippers…it looks like Evita and Tyrone are still totally an item, which isn’t a bad thing. Evita may not have daggers of light, but her voudou knowledge and ability to circumvent certain powers will prove to be extremely useful.
O’Reilly vs. Mayhem
O’Reilly wasn’t looking too hot at the end of last season when she crawled out of water with glowing eyes. In the comics, O’Reilly became Mayhem, a merciless vigilante who exudes a poisonous gas from her skin. But, Cloak & Dagger put an interesting twist on her origin story by making Mayhem a copy of O’Reilly. It hasn’t been explained how this happened but it does seem like O’Reilly’s skills have diminished since she was shot.
They look alike and have the same knowledge but Mayhem has zero moral compass when it comes to taking down corruption, which will surely cause some tension between Tandy and Tyrone. The big reveal came in the final moments of the premiere when Tandy discovered that she inadvertently went on a mini mission with Mayhem after Ty shows up with the real O’Reilly.
Tandy has always been one to bend the boundaries of the law, so she might actually advocate for some of Mayhem’s methods. Ty has been known to straddle the line, but he doesn’t push things too far because he is a young Black man, which means he will still side with O’Reilly. And, who knows what trouble Mayhem is going to cause in the city?
Season 2's premiere was a strong start that re-established the main characters, showed growth in Cloak and Dagger's skills, and set the stage for the complicated connections between kidnapping, street crime, and corrupt police officers. Hopefully, this season will continue to take things to the next level for New Orleans' resident heroes.