7 Classic Tips To Try On A First Date That Can Increase Your Chances Of A Second One

No matter how many first dates you go on, they're always going to be stressful. If you really like someone, you obviously want things to go well so you can see them again. But if you've been dating around for a while, you likely know that second dates don't come as easily as first dates. So what can you do to land a second date? According to experts, there are a few classic dating tips you should try.
Rest assured, old-fashioned first date tips aren't about doing anything cheesy. In fact, you probably do a few of them already. There's a reason why these moves have stood the test of time.
"The 'classic moves' really are just all about keeping the first date fun, light hearted, and unique," Susan Trombetti, matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, tells Bustle. "It's a first date, so you don't need to have the most elaborate date in the world or divulge your history and opinions. The key to getting a second date is by keeping it fun and engaging in an activity that you both will enjoy."
There are so many things you can do to make it to a second date. Here are some classic ideas you can try, according to experts.
1Smile And Flirt
If you want to have a good first date, body language is everything. "A little touching and direct eye contact goes a long way," Trombetti says. Flirty smiles and light touching are great ways to keep it fun and create sparks if you're into the person.
2Keep The Date Short And Sweet
First dates are all about seeing if you two click. You don't need to spend hours together in order to know there's chemistry there. So as Trombetti says, "Don't overstay on a first date. That's a lot of pressure." Keep it light and save something for the second date.
3Be Extra Nice To Servers
If your first date involves going out for a meal, be sure to treat hosts and servers with kindness and respect. Things can go wrong and people make mistakes. But when you're out, try not to lose your cool. "Classic moves show your date respect, kindness, courtesy, and consideration of others," dating and marriage therapist, Gary Brown, PhD, LMFT, tells Bustle. "The wait-staff are a captive audience and your date may very well notice how you treat others."
4Make Them Laugh
First dates can be really stressful. But as Jeannie Assimos, chief of advice at eharmony, tells Bustle, don't take it so seriously. It's perfectly OK to relax and enjoy it. "Laughter is a great medicine, so show them your sense of humor," she says. "When you’re talking to each other and laughing as if you’re talking to your best friend, it means that the date is going well and you’re enjoying each other’s company." Chances are, you'll see them again.
5Ask Your Date Questions About Themselves
People tend to like talking about themselves. If you want to land a second date, use that to your advantage, Assimos says. Ask your date basic questions about their family or their job. Once you've covered that, you can then get a little creative and ask about their guilty pleasures or embarrassing moments. "This will showcase your genuine interest in getting to know them better and wanting a second date," she says. "It’ll also show off how great of a listener you are, which is a very desirable trait."
6Slow Dance
If you want to leave a lasting impression, bring your partner in for a dance. "When you hear the music, extend your arm, grab your date by the hand, and look deeply into their eyes," Christine Scott-Hudson, licensed psychotherapist and owner of Create Your Life Studio, tells Bustle. "You don’t even have to be the world’s best dancer. Laugh, be yourself, and have some fun."
7Walk Your Date To Their Car Or Front Door
This move is as classic as it gets. Walk your date to their car or front door, thank them for a good time, and maybe even end the date with a kiss. "Take the time to savor each step of your romance along the way," Scott-Hudson says.
A lot of different factors go into whether a first date goes well or not. If you're really into someone and you know you want to see them again, these classic first date moves can increase your chances of making that happen.