7 Charitable Fashion Items That Support The Families Being Separated At The Border

Every single day, children are taken away from their parents at the border. You can be more than just a bystander to this practice by advocating for more humane and empathetic immigration policies. And one way you can support immigrant families is through fashion. If you are going to wear clothing anyway, you might as well make it stand for something.
In case you unaware, the government has issued "zero tolerance" immigration policy, which means that "all adults who cross the border illegally between official ports of entry will be criminally prosecuted," according to The Texas Tribune. While parents who have crossed the border go through the legal system, their children are being detained separately. This has caused teens, children, toddlers, and even infants being separated from their families for days and sometimes weeks.
Children are being passed off to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement to spend their time in cages and under thermal blankets, according to official photographs from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The family separation is so serious that one mother is suing President Trump and the federal government for not being able to find her child.
There are many different ways to support the families that are being separated at the border. You can donate directly to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES), the largest immigration services legal nonprofit in Texas. You can also buy from the Baby2Baby and Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) registry at Target to directly send children in need items like diapers and formula. Or you can even fight back through fashion.
Nonprofits have released charitable clothing and accessories, so you can spread awareness and give back at the same time. Not only will you show that you stand with the families that have been separated at the border, but you can create a bigger conversation among those around you about immigrant rights.
Here are some of the charitable designs that have been created thus far — all of which give back to charities working to bring families back together.
1. Families Belong Together Tee
2. Yellow Wristbands
According to Families Belong, parents that have been separated from their children were being identified with a yellow wristband on their left wrist. You can print your own out on the website and wear it to show that you stand with the families that have been separated. All you have to do is head to the website, down the free printable, print, and cut them out.
3. Official March Merch
4. Families Belong Together Shirt
5. Rise For Refugees Pin
6. Another Official Tee
7. Simple Button
There are plenty of ways to help the cause. While not all of them involve donating money, every single one makes a difference.