These 7 British Comedies Are The Perfect Antidote To Your End-of-Summer Blues

The weather is turning and in true British fashion the summer seems to have passed by in the blink of an eye. While I love long evenings sitting out with a glass of wine in a beer garden, autumn marks the beginning of the time when it's acceptable to cancel evening plans and stay in to watch a film under a blanket. So if you can’t be warmed by the weather here are the best British comedies on Amazon Prime which are sure to warm your heart.
When it comes to comedy, I don’t really discriminate. Give me an old black and white movie like Some Like it Hot or the latest Disney film and I'm a happy girl. However, it's undeniable that American and British humour differs massively. There something about watching Bridget Jones giving that speech at the Kafka book launch in a bid to impress Daniel Cleaver that cuts to the very core of what it is to be British. It's funny because it's uncomfortable, rings true, or is highly relatable. British humour is self-deprecating, sarcastic, dry and, in my humble opinion, no one can do it quite like us. So as the weather gets progressively more gloomy here are the seven British comedies on Amazon Prime that will have you laughing all the way through to Halloween.
1'Death of Stalin'
As the title suggests, Stalin is dead. Written by legendary British comedy writers Armando Iannucci, David Schneider, and Ian Martin, The Death of Stalin follows the fallen dictator's direct council as they fight, back-stab, and plot their way to power. Unsure of what to expect from this movie, its dark humour and wit left me in fits of giggles. Its silly, slapstick comedy is perfect for a Saturday night in front of the TV. You won't know whats coming next and it will have you chuckling all the way through.
2'Bridget Jones'
Oh Bridget! I couldn't have compiled a list of the best comedies on Amazon Prime without including the original helpless single gal herself. The entire Bridget Jones series is on Amazon Prime including the newest film, Bridget Jones's Baby. Finding herself single and bearing child Bridget has a bit of a dilemma, there are two possible fathers. Conveniently, one is dreamy Mark Darcy (Colin Firth) and the other is app designer extraordinaire, Jack Qwant (Patrick Dempsey). Oh, the struggle. As you can imagine, the film is feel-good and funny and the ideal Sunday afternoon watch if you just need something light to take away the back-to-work blues.
If coming-of-age films are more your cup of tea then Submarine will be right up your street. The film follows 15-year-old Oliver Tate who has two objectives; the first is to lose his virginity and the second is to get rid of his mother's ex-boyfriend who is back on the scene. If you fancy reminiscing about being an angsty teen, Craig Roberts, who plays Oliver, will take you right back to your youth, and while some coming-of-age flicks can be a bit cheesy, Submarine avoids that entirely. It's a must watch.
4'Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa'
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa is a film the whole family will find funny. It sees Partridge as the head negotiator in a hostage situation — lord help all involved. While being completely ridiculous and slapstick in parts, it's witty and quick in others. If you like the Alan Partridge series this is definitely one to watch and if you fancy a giggle on a rainy afternoon, Partridge's patheticness will definitely raise your mood.
5'Paint Dry'
Lastly, but certainly not least, for the more artsy of you, critically acclaimed Paint Dry was added to Amazon Prime earlier this year. The off-beat comedy was created by a group of stand-up comedian friends and follows a day in the life of two best friends. Charlie is planning to ask his girlfriend to move in together, making his pal Dylan wonder why he's still single. Together they analyse where he's been going wrong. Despite its indie status, the film managed to win the Best First-Time Filmmaker award at the 2017 Nevada International Film Festival.
So, there you have it, these Amazon comedies should at least get you through to Halloween, after which it's officially acceptable to start watching Christmas films. And as the weather gets progressively colder you'll find me cuddled up in a blanket working my way through Amazon Prime.