
7 Books Guaranteed To Help You Get Out Of A Post-Breakup Funk

by Aoife Hanna
Originally Published: 
Thais Ramos Varela/Stocksy

Oh god break ups suck don't they? As sure as death and taxes, the dissolution of multiple relationships throughout your stint on this mortal coil is something you just have to accept. Whether you're the dumper or the dumpee — heart ache blows. Losing your partner can feel like losing your best friend, lover, confidant, and low key your everything. Hitting rock bottom is the worst and I am sorry you have had to go through that but guys, rock bottom is the best foundation. And in the meantime here's some books to help you get over a break up. Because while recovery from heartbreak is taking its sweet time, you deserve something to provide you with an extra little cuddle while you are missing bae.

Nipping off into another world can be just the escape you need while you are on the mend. Especially if you need to zip off to another planet for a moment. Problem is though, as we all flipping know, running away doesn't solve everything. But, luckily, you are 100 percent not the first person to be broken hearted. As a matter of fact, a whole host of talented people have written all about it so you can get a different angle on the situation. Put things in perspective. Or, more importantly, while you still find yourself in actual physical pain — to see things from the other side. You are great and you will get through this.

1'Heartburn' — Norah Ephron

Norah Ephron is the idol of many writers, myself included. Her novel is heavily based on the dissolution of her second marriage while she was seven months pregnant. Sounds rough AF right? Well, somehow, this genius woman managed to make this book so flipping funny.

You will laugh, cry, cry from laughing, and generally think — if she can, I can.

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2'Milk & Honey' — Rupi Kaur

OK, so usually I wouldn't look to poetry in times of emotional devastation, which may make me sound a lot less artsy but, hey, it is what it is. But guys, this collection is incredible.

Milk and honey maps the unique experience of heartbreak through its ups and downs, the processes you go through, and of course the eventual recovery.

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3'My Year Of Rest & Relaxation' — Ottessa Moshfegh

This story is about a young woman who experiences a different kind of heartbreak: that of losing her parents, but the principles can be applied all the same.

My Year of Rest and Relaxation an interesting concept of a woman who chooses to retreat into a completely drugged state in order to be able to get through the devastation of grief. It's so well written that you almost feel in a comatose state yourself.

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4'When Things Fall Apart' — Pema Chödrön

Chödrön is a Buddhist teacher, author, nun, and mother who has dedicated her life to helping people through turbulent times in their lives.

This book is all about reordering how you view events, being kind to yourself, and learning how to live as life changes around you.

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5'All About Love: New Visions' — Bell Hooks

OK, so I know the last thing you could possibly imagine after a hard break up is another relationship. Honestly, I get it. I genuinely couldn't think of anything worse than opening up to someone after a break up but guys, this book!

It is all about letting yourself heal and being open to finding love again. You will feel all the emotions and enjoy the warm reassurance that you will love again, if you can let yourself.

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6'The Missing Piece' — Shel Silverstein

This gorgeous little book is all about being you and realising your main source of happiness is you. Charming and easy to read.

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7'We Are Never Meeting Again In Real Life' — Samantha Irby

Irby's collection covers the ups and downs of relationships in your younger years. It's a stark reminder that you are not alone as well as being laugh out loud funny and just the ticket on a day when you feel blue.

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No matter which book you feel is best suited to the stage you are at, the sad fact is, all that will get you through it is time. Having spent more time in my life than I would care to admit heartbroken, I can testify hard out to this.

You are great, you deserve to be happy again. Just one foot in front of the other for now and, before you know it, you'll be smiling again.

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