6 Meditations To Help You Feel Relaxed During April's New Moon

On Apr. 5, 2019, the first new moon of the spring season rises. While we won't see it in the sky — new moons are funny that way — it will evoke stunning illuminations from within. With Aries season in full effect, April's new moon will have us turning inward to ready ourselves for some big adventures to come! In order to best utilize this sacred time for self-reflection and preparation for the lunar cycle ahead, you'll want to try out a few mediations for the April new moon. Taking the time to be quiet, still and contemplative, can be the difference between a progressive attitude and a stagnant state of mind.
Bustle talked to astrologer Kyle Thomas about what April's new moon will inspire in us specifically, and what kinds of meditation will work best for us during that time. Because we'll be feeling a kind of motivated excitement under the new moon, we'll need a bit of direction when it comes to manifesting something lasting with that ambition. "When it comes to new moons, they open a window in time where the actions that we take will come to fruition later on and redirect the motion of our lives," Thomas says of the importance of setting ambitious goals for ourselves during the new moon.
"However," Thomas goes on to say, "with a sharp look from Saturn, the planet of longevity and maturity, at both the sun and the moon during this time, we’re going to have to work extra hard to win that goal we are after." Meaning, this astrological obstacle shouldn't keep us from dreaming big. Instead, Thomas tells Bustle, it should just bring out the fight in us. During this time we'll have some pretty big ideas, and knowing that we can and will be able to accomplish them will be all the inspiration we need to make them come true.
Here are some mediations to explore under the new moon. Remember that setting clear goals for yourself under April's new moon will increase your chances of actually attaining them, so take your meditations seriously and get what you came for.
Manifest Success Meditation
This guided meditation will not only help you to manifest your goals for yourself, but it will give you the mental tools you need to avoid self-sabotage and getting in your own way.
Empower Your Dreams Meditation
Give your dreams the space and attention they deserve. Use this meditation to send positive energy into your big ideas to help them grow. This meditation will force you to carve out some time to let your mind wander towards what you want and that focused energy will get the ball rolling in the right direction.
Goodbye Doubt Meditation
Whenever you set your mind toward a big goal, it's natural to feel a little bit of doubt. But if you don't actively coral that doubt, it can get in the way of your goals. Use this meditation as a resource to ensure that doubt stays out of the picture.
Laws Of Attraction Meditation
If you can't quite figure out where to put all of your progressive energy that will be swelling in your heart and mind this new moon, this meditation might help you bring some ideas to the surface. Sometimes you need a bit of encouragement to open your mind up to big ideas and this meditation creates a safe space for you to do that.
You Deserve It Meditation
It can sometimes be hard to push away the negative thoughts that we get when we're dreaming big. This meditation will help you to feel confident in your ambitions and help you to believe that you deserve more, you deserve better, and you deserve happiness. No goal is too lofty. You're kind of a big deal.
Let It Go Meditation
When you're in an ambitious groove, it can be hard to turn your brain off at night. Even though you're exhausted, every time you get in bed, your thoughts pick up speed. You can't stop thinking about what's next, what you could have done differently and what will happen. But a good night's sleep is key to success, so use this meditation to help you shut down your thoughts for the night.