Spring is an unabashedly sexy season. With all the newly blooming foliage that visually shakes us out of winter's deep freeze, it's only natural that we be a little more attuned — and turned on — as the earth's temperature rises. And in the spirit of heating things up, a seasonal sex toy might be just the thing to help unfurl your petals or pop open your bud, if you catch my drift.
Monday marks the vernal equinox, which signals the first day of spring. Although temps are still totally frosty in many parts of the country, the days continue to get longer, and with more natural light comes more libido, so step outside and catch some of these newfound rays to boost your below-the-belt feels — and to boost your mood in general.
If you do fall victim to the effects of spring fever in a "must rip off the clothes of every hottie that passes by" kind of way, don't worry, it's totally natural. According to one Norwegian study, April/May is the time when women experience a heightened desire for sex, while men tend to be randier come fall. But whatever your pleasure, these spring-related sex toys are sure to refresh and renew your solo and/or partnered game this season:
1Flower Butt Plug
Talk about flower power, this beauty is perfect for pleasuring anyone's rosebud.
2Unicorn Horn Dildo
OK, so unicorns don't technically belong to any season, but wouldn't they be spring creatures if you had to guess? And how can you not be horny looking at these pastel fantasy pony appendages?
3Ice Cream Vibrator
If you've ever stared lovingly at an ice cream cone and wondered whether you wanted to eat it or make love to it, this retro "I scream" vibrator is definitely for you.
Shiri Zinn iScream Designer Vibrator, $69.99, Dallas Novelty
4Rabbit Vibrator
Nothing signifies both sex and spring like a bunny rabbit, just as nothing says multiple orgasms like THE Rabbit.
Rabbit Habit Deluxe, $90, Babeland
5Rose Dildo
Another gem by Icicles, this glass dildo may be shaped like a rose, but this kind of flower is the kind that keeps on giving.
Icicles Rose Tip Glass Dildo, $30.91, Amazon
Yeah, spring may just be the best season ever. Enjoy!