5 Sex Positive Bloggers That Will Totally Change The Way You See Sex

In a world where sex is still viewed as taboo by — especially when it comes to women — we could do with a little bit more sex positivity. Knowledge is power, so whether you’ve got a question about orgasms, BDSM, sex work, or your health, the more spaces that welcome these kind of conversations, the better. Here are the five sex positive bloggers to follow in 2019. Empowering conversations about sex and health should include everyone, and these five bloggers are educating the internet about every aspect of sexuality, dismantling the taboos one by one.
I don’t know about you, but my sex education at school was a little bit lack lustre. Sure, I had the birds and the bee’s conversation at home and I was told where babies come from in very vague terms, but sex was never spoken about as something to be enjoyed. Pleasure was nowhere to be seen on the syllabus, and whatever was discussed was painfully heteronormative.
So thank god for the internet. While you don’t have to search hard for sex online, not all online spaces dedicated to sex are porn. Here are the five sex positive bloggers to follow in 2019 to get your fill of advice, anecdotes, education, and self-love.
1.Simply Oloni
If you spend anytime online at all, you will have most likely heard of Oloni (aka Dami Olonisakin). Twitter was made for her, and, if you are in love with her tweet threads, her blog is for you. She dedicates space on Simply Oloni to answer your big questions. So often in sex, there isn’t a right answer, but Oloni makes it damn clear what you should and shouldn’t be accepting. From exploring why the morning after matters to looking at the perks and pitfalls of threesomes, no stone is left unturned and you can’t help but feel seriously empowered when reading Oloni's posts.
Do you remember when slut was an insult? Cute. Founded by Karley Sciortino and edited by Sophia Larigakis, Slutever is the place to go to feel seriously in control of your sexuality and sex life. With interviews from authors, pop divas, and sex workers, Slutever really gets into what it means to be LGBTQIA+, how to be unapologetically sexy, and why masturbation is a key aspect of self-care. The blog has also been turned into a two-season series for Vice. So you know these girls are legit.
Hannah Witton
Hannah Witton could be your best friend. I wish she were mine. She has been producing content about sex and relationships for a nearly a decade on her YouTube channel, and has released two books on sex and hormones. Super informed and articulate, Witton’s blog is one of the most relatable out there to read about dating in your twenties, sex toys, and how to navigate casual sex. She has also been really open about having sex with a disability, having undergone major surgery in 2018.
Killer & A Sweet Thang
Have you ever wondered how to talk to your mum about abortion? Or have you ever wanted advice about how to explore that kink you have been thinking about for ages? Killer and A Sweet Thang has got you covered. Aside from being painfully aesthetically pleasing and cool, this is the place to go for expert interviews and advice. Combining education with sexy tales, this is sex education like you have never had it before.
Jacq The Stripper
Sex can so often be turned into a super serious topic. Jacq the stripper proves this doesn’t have to be the case. The comedian and social media phenomenon writes about the realities of sex work, how to be the best ally you can be, and how to curb your judgement. Her comic strips are super powerful and completely hilarious. She is a must follow.
I love that there are so many inclusive conversations about sex, relationships, consent, and kinks going on in 2019. For all its faults, the internet is a great place to learn something new, find people similar to you, and find inspiration for your own sex life. If you are in need of a little bit of advice, try out one (or all) of these blogs.