Probiotics: It's not a word you may have regularly used or heck, even knew about a couple of years ago, but if you're a beauty or health fanatic like I am, then you know it's one of the buzziest words of 2017. You'd be hard pressed to walk through a Whole Foods or flip through a beauty magazine without seeing the word jump at you from the shelves or the pages. So, what's the big deal about probiotics anyways? And can probiotics really help your skin and overall beauty?
First things first — let's define the word. WebMD puts it simply, saying, "Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially your digestive system." They're the good kind of bacteria that can be found in your body, but can also be found in different kinds of foods, like yogurt and dark chocolate, and supplements. But beyond being good for your stomach, probiotics have been found to have a positive effect on your overall skin health, too, and it makes complete sense once you really think about it.
“Clear skin, believe it or not, starts in the gut. When our gut bacteria is not balanced, and there are more bad bacteria than good bacteria, issues like inflammation can come up, which is a cause of acne and other beauty issues," says Dr. Zelana Montminy, Suja’s Health and Wellness Expert and author of 21 Days to Resilience.
Katherine Greiner, Ora Organic supplements Director of Marketing, echoes Montminy's beliefs. "Our skin and GI tract are both organs of detoxification, and just as we may get an upset stomach (or worse) as a result of bacterial imbalance in the gut, our skin also has its own way of showing signs of an overabundance of bad bacteria. Most commonly, this imbalance will cause chronic inflammation, which then presents itself on the skin as rosacea, eczema, acne, and decreased wound healing to name a few," she tells me over email. "Scientists have already been able to identify the [probiotic] strains of Lactobacillus, L. acidophilus, and B. bifudum as being particularly promising in the treatment of acne."
Ora Organic Trust Your Gut, $39, Amazon
If you've been struggling with skin problems and are looking to add a probiotic to your regimen, consider these products that'll make it easier than ever to get you, your digestive system, and your skin back on track.
1. Purely Elizabeth Chocolate Sea Salt Probiotic Granola
Purely Elizabeth Chocolate Sea Salt Probiotic Granola, $6, Amazon
Your grandma may have told you that too many sweets can cause a tummy ache, but this delicious chocolatey granola is made with good-for-you ingredients like chia and quinoa. It's also made with a vegan probiotic strain that survives the baking process, so you can rest assured that you'll get maximum benefits, so long as you eat two servings of it a day. Twist your arm, right?
2. Ora Probiotic Powder
Ora Organic Trust Your Gut, $39, Amazon
This probiotic powder is unlike other products because it's flavored, which means those with sensitive palettes can sneak it into their favorite smoothie or in a glass of water and not even know the difference.
3. Suja's Drinking Vinegars
Suja's Drinking Vinegars, Prices Vary, Target
Drinking vinegar might sound like a cruel punishment, but with flavors like Strawberry Balsamic and Coconut, Suja's Drinking Vinegars are actually pretty tasty, and yes, super good for you and your tummy! "Apple Cider Vinegar is fermented so it already contains beneficial bacteria, plus Suja's Drinking Vinegars add in a bit extra to really pack a good bacterial punch. These vinegars provide a variety of health benefits associated with probiotics such as keeping our digestion humming, support our mood and brain function, assist in absorbing vitamins and critical nutrients from food, and more," says Dr. Montminy. They also deliver great beauty benefits, too. "Relief from acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and rosacea have all been reported."
4. Probiogen
Probiogen Women’s Vitality Probiotic, $42, Amazon
If you're a one-and-done kinda gal, get yourself a bottle of Probiogen. Take a capsule, get your fill of probiotics, and be done with it for the day!
5. The Beauty Chef Probiotic Powder
Body Inner Beauty Powder, $120, The Beauty Chef
There's more to this powder than just probiotics. It's also got matcha, plant proteins, superfruits, vegetables, and alkalizing greens. You can also choose between vanilla or chocolate, depending on your flavor preference.
6. Kimberly Snyder
Beauty Detox Probiotics, $49, Kimberly Snyder
Kimberly Snyder is a nutritionist to your favorite stars (Drew Barrymore, Kerry Washington, and Reese Witherspoon, to name a few), so when it comes to looking beautiful from the inside out, she knows a thing or two. Her probiotic capsules contain a whopping 29 different strains. She also claims that this probiotic formula "closely reflects what would be found in nature," so if you're looking for a more natural probiotic, this is as organic as it gets.