Planning your first holiday party can be intimidating no matter how many guests you’re planning on having over. You almost don't even realize how many components go into hosting until you're the one in charge: cleaning, decorating, cooking, timing, music, managing to get ready before guests arrive, hosting itself, and finally, enjoying the amazing party you just put together all by yourself. It all can feel like a bit much up until that point, but there’s no need to let the stress of planning get to you. The holidays are a time for celebration and happiness, after all.
Plus, there are several tips and tricks that can help things go as smoothly as possible on the day of your party — from asking your guests to pitch in to treating yourself with a makeup appointment before the festivities begin. We've partnered with Sephora to bring you pro-level party planning tips so that you can throw the gathering of the year. Get ready to takes some notes, because it’s never too early to start planning for the holidays.
Tip 1: Plan Ahead
There’s nothing worse than finally finishing up cooking, cleaning, and decorating only to realize you’ve forgotten something crucial like ice. Planning ahead with shopping lists is the best way to prepare for your first holiday party — you’ll be sure to have everything you need, right when you need it.
Tip 2: Take Your Time
If you’re going all-out with holiday decorations or music, don’t leave it until the last day. Start shopping a few weeks ahead so you can slowly gather all the tinsel and ornaments your heart desires — this goes for drinks and non-perishable groceries, too. For music, start a collaborative playlist with your friends a week before your party to get everyone excited and have an incredible selection to leave on shuffle all night long.
Tip 3: Have Others Pitch In
Hosting a large group of people in your home is way easier with help. And who better to ask than the guests you’re inviting? Start a shared document with your guests where you can track who's bringing what — hors d'oeuvres, salad, champagne, desserts — so you know exactly what to expect and what you’ll need to supplement. Having your friends pitch in takes the stress off your shoulders and allows each person to contribute a unique piece of themselves to the party.
Tip 4: Don’t Forget About Yourself!
With all the chaos and scrambling that comes with party planning, it’s easy to forget about yourself. So make a point to schedule a makeup appointment at Sephora the day of your party. You’ll get the exact look you want thanks to a Beauty Advisor, who will ensure your makeup is on point without any time-costing mistakes. Let’s face it, after all that work, you deserve it!
Tip 5: Make Sure Your Guests Are Comfortable
Being inside someone else’s home can be a little weird at first. Do I take off my shoes? Where do I put my things while I socialize? Everyone has house rules and little do’s and don’ts that are not always obvious for newcomers, so make your guests comfortable by giving them the lay of the land as soon as they arrive. Show them where your coat closet is, where to find the bathroom, and where the appetizers are — they'll settle into your home more comfortably.
This post is sponsored by Sephora.