They say that your health is the most important thing, since without your health, you can't have anything else. So, it should stand to reason that when you're creating your home, the most important thing to think about is how your living space will impact your health. You're there every single day, so it's a worthwhile investment to make your home conducive to a healthy lifestyle.
"Considering how much time we actually spend in our homes, it’s unreasonable to think we can simply outsource our health to the gym or the therapist’s office," health coach Laura Ellen tells Bustle. "Health must be built into our lives, especially ours homes. More Americans than ever work from home at least part of the work week. And, in the age of social media scrolling and show streaming, we’re spending more time lounging and passively comparing ourselves to others late into the night. Your environment affects how you physically move and live, the activities you spend your time participating in, even the way you think about yourself in relation to the wider world."
Making your home a healthier place doesn't require a complete overhaul. Here are some small changes you can make to it that will improve your health.
1Put A Scarf Or Tapestry Over Your Mirror When You're Not Using It
If you're prone to self-scrutiny and body-negative thoughts, this handy hack can help you keep your eyes (and your mind) off the mirror. "Studies show that persistent body-checking decreases overall self-esteem and can decrease motivation to follow through on healthy habits," says Ellen.
2Get A Floor Cushion
Subbing your chair for one of these can prevent the backache many people get from hunching over their computer screens from a chair all day. "Western-style couches and chairs are terrible for human ergonomics and long term musculoskeletal health," Ellen says. "Instead of being propped up and hunched over to read or relax, sit on a super cute floor cushion. This keeps the spine and hips healthy, strong, and limber. For bonus points, you can even do computer work this way and use your coffee table as a desk top."
3 Get Plants
Plants can improve your physical and mental health in many different ways, Cassy Aoyagi, a board member of the U.S. Green Building Council’s LA Chapter and president of FormLA Landscaping, tells Bustle. Indoor plants help remove toxins from the air, and both indoor and outdoor plants help reduce stress. One study even found that caring for plants extended people's lives, and another found that hospital patients with views of greenery outside their windows recovered faster.
4Let In Natural Light
"Natural light is invigorating and supports the body’s natural rhythms, so make sure you are exposed it," Nash Emrich, a consultant at Paladino and Company, tells Bustle. Leave your window shades up as much as possible. And if you're in the market for a new place, look for someplace with lots of windows.
5Keep It Clean
This may be the hardest tip to follow, but it also may be the most crucial. "Whether it's dust or mold or any other number of things that can grow when your living space is not kept clean, they all put unnecessary stress on your immune system," Transformational Specialist Jerry Snider tells Bustle. "Right next to cleaning often is keeping the area tidy, not cluttered. It is possible to have clean clutter but that's not good either. Having your living area organized relieves stress on your mind."
"Simple tweaks can turn the home into your personal health recharge station," says Ellen. "The benefits are carried far beyond your four walls as you head into the world every day stronger, calmer, and healthier."