July’s New Moon Will Affect These 4 Zodiac Signs The Most

Astrologically speaking, the moon is so much more powerful than you may have thought. Oceans, plants, and tides are affected by the powerful energy that comes from the moon, and so it makes sense that human beings are also. While you probably already know what a full moon can do, you may not realize that a new moon can also affect you. A new moon symbolizes new beginnings, and the energy that comes from it can help you achieve goals and embark on something new and exciting. And on Thurs., July 12, the new moon is extra special: it's also a partial solar eclipse. The energy from the July new moon will affect everyone, but four zodiac signs will be affected more than others.
According to Astrology King, the partial solar eclipse is "influenced by a powerful opposition to minor planet Pluto. This indicates some sort of crisis with your self-esteem, a relationship, or an event. An equally intense fixed star brings the potential for neurotic distress triggered by a deeply buried subconscious fear of disaster." Even a partial solar eclipse is powerful enough that it has the same energy as a full eclipse. That sounds mildly terrifying, but it isn't necessarily a bad thing. This is a good time to reflect on the things that are holding you back from happiness and success, and to change them.
That's true for everyone, but each sign will feel something slightly different. This new moon is rising in Cancer, and that means that anyone with a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) in their birth chart will be majorly impacted by the cosmic shifts due to the new moon and solar eclipse. What can you expect? According to astrologer Lisa Stardust while speaking to Bustle, a lot.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Stardust says that the energy from the new moon can affect your job: "Your inner values are shifting, changing your career goals. You may decide to switch paths in your current field, to reflect your new personal feelings and direction." You'll also feel the impacts at home. According to Allure, the eclipse will "highlight your domestic zone, directly impacting issues pertaining to your emotional foundation." This is an important time for growth, for yourself and at work.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
This isn't a bad time to be a Cancer, as July is also your birthday month. Stardust says, "All eyes are on you and this is your time to put your foot forward. Just be aware of power struggles with others — don’t let their negativity hold you back." Standard says, "For those of you born between July 7 and July 17, the eclipse is directly on your sun, a rare occasion which happens every 19 years. It’s time to reveal the best parts of you, Cancer. No pouting, and try not to be too moody. You've got it going on. Your presence and your personality need to come forward. No more hiding out, Cancer — the world is waiting for you."
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
For Libras, this is a great time for your career. Stardust says, "This is your time to shine at work, as you are now considered an expert in your field! Go you!" You can expect some major changes at work. Allure says, "Remember, Libra, eclipses aren’t gentle: This cosmic motion opens new doors by slamming others shut. So if you’ve been found yourself settling into complacency, July’s solar eclipse will surely be a shock to your system."
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
New moons are a time for new beginnings, and this might be a time for hew relationships for you too. Stardust says, "It’s time to redefine current relationships and even possibly start new ones. Remember, you are a powerhouse and others are drawn to your magnetism." Standard says, "This love energy lasts for over a year. Seize it. But you're going to have to loosen grips on being the control freak. It doesn't serve well in relationships. For single Caps, new love is on the horizon if you stay open. For those of you already partnered up, love just gets better and deeper. "
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