These 4 Signs Will Be Affected The Most By February’s New Moon

Even though new moons might not actually ~light~ the way, they do muster the energy to trek down new paths. While all signs of the zodiac are grazed by this regenerating spirit, some just ~feel the vibes~ a little more intensely. In February there will be four signs that will be affected the most by the 2018 new moon. The energy beaming — not literally, because new moons are dark — down from this Feb. 15 moon will have us hyped up to plant seeds for the future.
The energy oozing out of this new moon, which doubles as a partial solar eclipse, will be positive and loving courtesy of the sign it falls under — Aquarius. Forever Conscious chirps that with this new moon, "there is an opening or a doorway to higher consciousness through this energy, and the more we can open our minds and hearts, the more likely we are to get a glimpse of true oneness." All astrological signs can benefit from some "treat yo self" action under these vibes.
Taking care of your well being takes the reigns here when it comes to priorities. Float the worries away in a warm bath. Sweat it out at your favorite yoga class. Or, plop down in front of your favorite show with a pint of ice cream because you know what sometimes indulging in the depths of your couch can be considered wellness. Whatever brings the most joy to your life. Because that will ultimately attract rewards from the Universe, especially under the Feb. 15 new moon.
For a sign that's so independent, the new moon could have you realizing the power of being part of a group. As Elle's Aries horoscope for the week of Feb. 12 to Feb. 18 advised, "instead of just launching in like a solo star, pour another round for your soul squad... what objectives would you like to achieve together by the corresponding Aquarius full moon on Jul. 27 — which happens to be a turbo-powered total lunar eclipse?" In other words: Let the ideas swirl around. You'll be aching to figure out ways to make the world a better place. Be open to the group effort!
The energy of this new moon might open up a fork in the road. It'll basically ask you to assess what's the best route for your current situations. Remember, this is all about self-love and harping on your wellness. As astrologist Chani Nicholas wrote on his blog, "This month, some part of your work life has to give in order for something greater to have a chance. The new moon/solar eclipse on Feb. 15 is presenting you with the option of reconsidering your relationship to your assets." So, what's happening, Cap? You'll be focusing on how to find a better way to make your work work for you.
Got big dreams? Trust your instincts. Ultimately, you know what you need to do in order to achieve those goals you've had written down in your diary for years now. The energy of this new moon will inspire you to take the next steps. AstroStyle says, "These hopped-up moonbeams could accelerate your 2018 plans. Before you know it, your 'crazy little idea' could take on a life of its own." Of course, don't make any massive movements without thinking about it a little. Look before leaping.
On his blog, Chani Nicholas advised the sensitive Pisces under the energy of the new moon and partial solar eclipse to, "forgive yourself for what you struggle with. Don’t compound it with shame, guilt or resentment. Release the burden of self-doubt when and where you can and witness an incredible unfolding within you." A positive path starts at the end of the self doubt that holds you back from it — and the fish of the zodiac will see things go ~swimmingly~ under the revelations of the new moon.