31 Times Celebs Got Caught Checking Each Other Out On The Red Carpet
Christopher Polk/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Let's be honest, at one point or another, everybody has been guilty of checking somebody out. It's basically human nature and totally not always our fault. Right? Right. And from what I can tell in the celebrity world, it's also apparently very much the nature of the red carpet. When you consider that it's basically the showroom of terribly beautiful people in spectacular and sexy outfits, it's hardly a surprise to find celebrities caught checking each other out on the red carpet. Because, honestly? I definitely wouldn't know where to put my eyes during a situation like that. But then again, I also have no tact.
Thankfully, though, even when they're checking each other out, celebrities still maintain some sense of decorum with the whole thing. Not all celebrities caught ogling other celebs on the red carpet are simply having a gross peek at their peers. Not at all. Some of these people happened to be romantically involved at the time or were checking each other out in order to share a joke regarding the whole red carpet process. And sometimes, it's clearly just a couple of friends happily celebrating how phenomenal their buddy looks, which is something I have endless scores of applause for.
Whatever the reason, the red carpet often feels like the last place that kind of behavior should happen, which makes the following celebrity antics all the more amusing.
1. Usher And Kim Kardashian
Just look at Usher's cheeky face in this photo. This makes it seem like he's partly staring at Kim Kardashian's figure in jest, so it makes the situation slightly less uncomfortable.
2. Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie
Fans may never quite get over the gigantic heartbreak that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's divorce announcement wrought in 2016. But this picture is a reminder of their glory days.
3. Ellen DeGeneres And Katy Perry
DeGeneres is the comic relief queen of the red carpet. And her wonderful sense of awe at Perry's ample décolletage isn't just hilarious, but it's also on point.
4. Ellen DeGeneres And Portia De Rossi
Oh, and I should also mention that she's also completely adorable when it comes to checking out her own wife on the red carpet, too. Beyond cute.
5. Salma Hayek And Susan Sarandon
If there's one thing I love, it's when women happily celebrate just how fiercely bodacious each other's bodies are. And Hayak and Sarandon's cleavage celebration, taken at Cannes in 2016, is a heartwarming and hilarious affirmation of that love.
6. Kanye West And Kim Kardashian
Everybody knows how much West loves to celebrate the body of his wife — and why not? She looks amazing. And he absolutely does not let red carpet events hold him back from continuing the adoration he has for his wife's figure in the slightest.
7. Ashley Judd And Gerard Butler
The Olympus Has Fallen co-stars shared the cutest "you look spectacular" moment ever with this cute scene. Judd's facial expression is exactly the sort of face you make when you meet up for a drink with your bestie, and they look beyond stunning, and honestly? I'm totally living for it.
8. Kristen Bell And Russell Brand
The two Forgetting Sarah Marshall co-stars did a whole lot of goofing off in front of the cameras at the premiere for the movie in 2008. This included a set of poses which showed Bell and Brand comically checking each other out, because hey, they both look totally rocking.
9. Jessica Biel And Sean Combs
There's only one word to describe how Combs is staring at Biel in this picture and that is: hypnotized.
10. Helen Mirren And Jessica Biel
When Mirren shows you some love on the red carpet, you happily accept it with all the sublime grace that Biel is showing right here.
11. New England Patriot's Coach Bill Belichick And Chrissy Tiegen
Oh dear, poor Belichick became the butt of the joke back in 2015 when he was caught checking out the model and presenter on the red carpet at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Something Teigen responded to by calling Belichick a "poor guy" in an interview with Billboard and stated, "Actually, there were many more people in that group who should be called out." She's not wrong.
12. John Legend And Chrissy Teigen
But also, as Teigen's own husband proves, she's a little difficult to not land adoring glances on.
13. Samantha Ronson And Lindsay Lohan
Having dated between 2008 and 2010, Lohan and Ronson were one of the most reported about couples around. And pictures like this show that there was plenty of chemistry between them.
14. Chris Rock And Rihanna
Real classy, fella.
15. Keith Urban And Nicole Kidman
There's definite "prom king and queen" vibes in the way that Kidman and Urban are checking each other out in this picture. Total high school crush eyes, right?
16. Chris Evans And Elizabeth Olsen
Oh, dear. I'd like to imagine that Evans and Olsen are enjoying a continuation of a private joke with the way that he appears to be whistling at his co-star's cleavage. That's what I choose to believe, and I'm sticking with it.
17. Oscar Isaac, James McAvoy, And Jennifer Lawrence
And Isaac and McAvoy were clearly sharing a joke among themselves and Lawrence concerning just how stunning she looked at the X-Men Apocalypse premiere in 2016. Right?
18. Chris Pratt And Anna Faris
At first, it's like — why is he choosing to update his Facebook status on the red carpet? But then you take a second and realize that Pratt is actually taking a picture of his beloved wife on his phone, because she looks like an absolute queen in that outfit. Oh, my heart.
19. Joshua Jackson And Diane Kruger
Speaking of which, Jackson and Kruger (though currently broken up, and no, I do not want to talk about it) always provided gooey-eyed fodder on the red carpet with their loved-up looks (even when that red carpet was actually green grass). And Jackson was often caught adorably checking out his lady just like this, in a way which makes me melt into a small, swooning puddle.
20. Usher And Ana De Armas
Ring the alarm, guys — Usher is back at it again.
21. Ashton Kutcher And Lea Michele
This is exactly the moment where you have to speak up and say, "Hey, my eyes are up here, dude."
22. The 'Les Mis' Cast And Amanda Seyfried
OK, there is a lot going on in this picture. Maybe everyone's eyes are actually completely transfixed on the Golden Globe foolishly left on the floor, and maybe they're all worried that Seyfried's excitable charms are too close to knocking it over. And maybe the majority of them are all just absolutely swooning over how great she looks in that dress. Suffice it to say, I believe it's the latter.
23. Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart
Stewart's expression on this picture is basically the living embodiment of the heart-eye emoji. It's a gaze which gushes, in the dreamiest voice possible, all of the loved-up, dizzy secrets that your heart could possibly muster for somebody else. Robsten was the best, you guys. Edward and Bella forever.
24. Jay Z And Beyoncé
When Queen Bey is looking like that, and you also happen to be married to the goddess herself — where the hell else are you going to be looking?
25. Liam Hemsworth And Miley Cyrus
Oh, god. So cute. These two are just a bottomless bowl of ice cream — they're so damn sweet.
26. Miranda Kerr And Orlando Bloom
I am absolutely living for Kerr's "just give me a moment to enjoy the view, here, honey..." attitude toward her ex-husband in this picture. I've totally been there myself (though, not with Bloom, obviously) and regret nothing.
27. Big Sean And Ariana Grande
This is a tactic many women and men know all too well as the "stop-staring-and-actually-listen-to-me" adjustment of the head. Sadly, try as you might, it hardly ever works.
28. Christina Aguilera And Hillary Clinton
Not only is this picture a fabulous reminder of Aguilera's hypnotic powers, but also that Hillary Clinton is only human and not immune to her charms. I mean, if I was stood beside the singer, then I would totally be checking her out, too.
29. Will Smith And Jada Pinkett Smith
I'm so totally into the idea of people presenting their other halves on the red carpet in the manner of a magician unveiling a trick. But especially so when people look as magical as Jada does right here. Good work, Will.
30. Kim Kardashian And Kanye West, Again
I'd like to take this moment to celebrate the fact that West is clearly brandishing one of his rare smiles in this image. Clearly a Kim-K-check-out-session is good for his soul.
31. Mila Kunis And Kristen Bell
Get yourself a best friend who looks at you like Kunis does at Bell. Or don't, whatever. I'm not your mom.