The weather's getting colder, the sun is setting way too early, and, suddenly, the prospect of cuddling up with someone in bed with Netflix and a hot toddy is sounding way more enticing than getting dolled up and traversing the local bar scene. That can only mean one thing: Cuffing season 2019 is rolling in like the crisp breeze of an autumn afternoon or the intense need for an overpriced daily peppermint hot cocoa. In other words, it's virtually unavoidable.
But for some of us, cuffing season might start a little later than planned — or just not happen at all — because there's a storm a' brewin' called Mercury retrograde that happens to be kicking off its last cycle of 2019 on Oct. 31. While Mercury isn't necessarily one of the love or romance planets, it does rule over things like communication, which is obviously a major tenet of any functional, cuffed-up situationship. This means that texting, expressing your feelings verbally, and making plans will prove unusually difficult from the time the retrograde starts until Mercury goes direct again on Nov. 20, which can definitely put a damper on getting your cuffing season partner-in-crime on lockdown.
Mercury retrograde's antics are going to affect all of us, that's for sure, but a few sun signs might want to avoid the wiles and guiles of cuffing season altogether due to Mercury retrograde's affect on their chart — and Bustle chatted with astrologer Lisa Stardust to get the scoop. Whether it's because your love life is lookin' like a Mercury retrograde-fueled disaster or simply because you'll need to put a lot more your energy toward other areas of your life, these are the three zodiac signs who should avoid cuffing season during Mercury retrograde fall 2019 and focus their energy elsewhere.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Dating and cuffin' up this autumn isn't looking like the best idea for you, Gemini — but that's probably OK with you, as you've got a lot going on professionally that requires your energy and attention. "You’re more focused on getting your colleagues on your side than a romantic partner," explains Stardust. Your career has been blooming lately in ways that you may not have expected a few years back, so take advantage of the opportunity to advance yourself over the coming months. "Network now," Stardust advises. "Don’t focus on love."
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
As the sign of partnerships, it's easy for you to allow your relationships and love life take the center stage of your life — as you probably have done for quite a while now. But instead of pouring yourself into a romance this autumn, it's due time you focus on the most important relationship in your life: The one you have with yourself. "You’re taking back your power now and defining boundaries — with or without a partner," advises Stardust. If you're single, allow yourself to get comfortable, and if you're in a relationship, focus on boundaries.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Your life has changed in unimaginable ways over the past year, and this retrograde is actually giving you a beautiful opportunity to reflect and process your experiences and their effect on your emotions. "You’re not in the mood to date and are opting to spend more time alone than with a partner," shares Stardust with Bustle. That said, don't push yourself into a cuffing sitch if you're not feeling it, as it will only distract you from working through the things that need to be dealt with internally. Carve out the time you need for yourself and your healing journey.