3 Signs That The March Blue Moon Will Affect The Most

The second full moon of March is set to rise on Mar. 31. This means that this month has had more moon phases than what is typically normal. Which ~means~ that lunar energy has been running amuck. While most of the vibes are positive, there are some signs the March blue moon will affect the most. Don't freak if your sun sign is listed. You might just have to pay closer attention to the ~details~ of certain parts of your life. But with spring in the air, and an ache to refresh, all the hard work will pay off.
While I would love to say that the moon will in fact be blue, I'm afraid that it won't turn pastel. Not even for Easter. This full moon is considered a blue moon because it's the second full moon of the month of March — and when two full moons occur in the same month, the second is called a blue moon. But, regardless, it won't be as blue as an Easter egg: The moon will glow its regular off-white hue which has never been anything but breathtaking anyways.
This full moon is also known as the Pink Moon, which is the name that Native Americans assigned to it centuries ago, based off the wild phlox flowers that begin to bloom around the time this moon rises, according to the Farmer's Almanac. This full moon usually occurs in April, but this year it's occurring in March like some astronomical April Fools' Joke.
Astrologically, this moon is prime time to, "wake up as wild ground phlox gets the jump on other flowers and bursts into brilliant pink blossom. Because it is first, phlox is a herald of sorts, announcing that it is time to step forth into the raiment of your best intention and biggest dream," according to Sometimes stepping into your best can require more work than you were prepared for. And sometimes other's spring cleaning check list is a lot simpler. Just remember that spring will come, even if it seems like you're stuck in winter a little longer.
The full pink moon on Mar. 31 will really illuminate some things in your health and wellness sector. Is there a new workout routine you need to put into place? More water to be drinking? These questions will lead straight into April where feelings could hit the fan. Aliza Kelly Faragher for Allure says, "the first few weeks of April may feel a little strange. Expect to feel lethargic, overly sensitive, and even a bit spacey; your psychic "spidey sense" will be tingling." Don't worry, you won't be crying through your birthday season though, Taurus. By the time the sun shifts into your sign you'll be ready to handle your new year ahead with plenty of reason to celebrate. Take deep breaths and don't say "no" to that meditation class.
It's time to transform. But who said transformation was a simple task? You've been pouring energy into your projects and relationships and the full pink moon will have you feeling like you need to let some things go. Stay calm in knowing you have a strong support system. But take it from Faragher for Allure, "through April 19, you'll be exploring the aspects of your daily life that aren't serving you. Where are the cracks in the system? Analyze everything: your commute, your day job, your exercise routine. You're ready to transform." It's time to cocoon yourself and burst out into that beautiful butterfly you obviously are.
The end of March is littered with financial issues. Cafe Astrology says, "The 23-24 and the 27th can be tricky with friends, money, and a sense of not being in very much control of your life if you've been pushing too hard or feeling pulled in different directions." That's what the energy of the pink moon revolves around and it trails into April. Faragher for Allure says, "When the sun in Aries illuminates the area of your chart associated with financial resources, the first few weeks of April serve up major truths." How is money tied to your emotions? Should it be? You'll want to make sure that your self worth is a number one priority.