Sugar, spice, and everything nice: that's what Valentine's Day dreams are made of, right? Well, yes, perhaps that is what Valentine dreams are made of. But Valentine reality? That's another recipe entirely. The astrology for Valentine's Day 2019 definitely doesn't paint a portrait of hearts, roses, and romance for every zodiac sign — but with a little astrological foresight, even the zodiac signs who are due to have the rockiest Feb. 14 can plan ahead to make some lemonade out of their V-Day lemons. Spoiler alert: My sign is one of them, so we are truly in this mess together, K?
Overall, Valentine's Day 2019 has potential to be reasonably chill. But lovers, beware — only quarrel if you dare! Thanks to an intense aspect between hot headed Mars and unpredictable Uranus on Feb. 13, we can expect a minor emotional disaster leading up to Valentine's Day itself. "Even though Valentine's Day is Thursday, February 14, it's not Venus, the planet of love, that's making headlines this week; it's Mars, the planet of war," wrote astrologer Pam Ciampi in Llewellyn's 2019 Daily Planetary Guide. Yikes. Sounds like there's a high potential for a sh*t show if this volatile planetary aspect gets the better of us. And if it does? Well, then, I guess we'll just have to spend Valentine's Day kissing and making up, or just reflecting on things with some nice, drama-free self-care time.
Bustle spoke with astrologer Lisa Stardust about how the astrological influences of Valentine's Day are likely to affect all of us when it comes to our big romantic plans. "This Valentine’s may be a bit constrained, as restrictive Saturn and obsessive Pluto wrap their energy around Venus, who is galvanizing the South Node of Destiny, making us all anxious about love and money," explains Stardust. "Our insecurities will be heightened, which is why Valentine’s Day 2019 is the best time to impart self care on ourselves, rather than demanding love from others." Whether you're single or not, there's no shame in keeping it low key on Valentine's Day and directing all that excess love toward yourself. You've got every other day of the year to pursue a fairy tale romance, so if it's not in the stars for you this year, just let it be and use this day as one to give yourself some TLC.
Valentine's Day 2019 isn't going to look like heart-shaped fireworks for the majority of us, but Stardust weighed in with some friendly neighborhood astrological advice for the zodiac signs that will have the rockiest Valentine's Day 2019 so that all can prepare. And if you happen to be one of the signs in store for a less-than-stellar Valentine's Day, don't fret: After every storm comes a rainbow, so if your love fest isn't looking like it'll be all you hoped it would, rest assured that you can still enjoy the day by heeding some sound advice.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
I know you're a fireball, Aries, but you may be better off staying in this Valentine's Day for some heart-healing and budget-friendly relaxation time. "This Valentine’s Day will pinch your wallet, be careful of overspending or having fun on a budget," advises Stardust. "You may even crash early in the evening, falling asleep in bed due to financial anxieties." Don't pressure yourself to match your usual always-on-the-go energy level just because of the holiday. It's OK to take a chill pill and do some self-care, either solo or with your significant other.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
It's not that your Valentine's Day is going to be devoid of romance, Cancer — it's just that you might find that tensions, dramas, and old wounds are coming to the surface at an uncomfortable pace. "Venus, planet of love, will oppose your Sun on Valentine’s Day," warns Stardust. "While this may bring love your way, it will also force you to come face to face with old demons as you navigate through your new relationship or first date." If you can prepare yourself to sort through your feelings as they come, there's potential for this to be a really sweet day. Just be ready to roll with the tides.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
This social butterfly might be tempted to crawl back into its cocoon instead of spending time with a partner or friends come Valentine's Day — but not to worry, Libra. Your Venus-ruled self has no shortage of love n' romance energy to work with, so simply view your current, fleeting mood as an opportunity to indulge in some major self-care and chill time. "This Valentine’s Day may make you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out," explains Stardust to Bustle. "Indulge in ice cream and rom coms to lift your spirit and lighten the mood." If anyone can make a night in feel cute and aesthetic, it's you, so make the most of it.