3 Women On What You Need To Know About Abortion In America

For many millennials, Donald Trump's presence in the White House sparked worry — including what his conservative influence could mean for our reproductive rights, ability to cross borders, and expression of gender identity. What we can't lose sight of throughout this process, though, are people's stories — the unconventional narratives that people are living in all of their different bodies in 2017. On season two of The Bodcast, we'll be exploring those experiences, which exist whether or not Washington chooses to acknowledge or protect them.
January 2017 marked 44 years since the US Supreme Court passed Roe v. Wade, which removed the threat of criminal prosecution of women who have abortions. Since Donald Trump's inauguration, Republicans in Congress have tried to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. Trump has also nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, a man with a strong anti-choice record on abortion. Finally, days after Trump was inaugurated, the House passed a bill to make the Hyde Amendment permanent. That would put a ban on using federal funds to pay for abortion.
This episode of The Bodcast features conversations with Dr. Colleen McNicholas, one of the few doctors who travels around the Midwest providing abortion services; Anita Yandle, a member of the communications team and a fundraising chair at the CAIR project, a chapter of the National Network Of Abortion Funds; and Brittany Mostiller, executive director of the Chicago Abortion Fund. Learn what each of them has to say about the reality of getting an abortion in America in 2017.