
These Are The Expert-Approved Alternatives To Migraleve While It's Out Of Stock

by Sophie McEvoy
Jamie Grill Atlas/Stocksy

While I've never had to rely on Migraleve to combat a debilitating migraine, there are those that rely on the over-the-counter medication to curb the onset attacks and deal with the inevitable side effects. It's no surprise that the absence of Migraleve is leaving many sufferers to look for other medication that can provide similar relief. So, what are the best Migraleve alternatives?

To get a broader understanding of which tablets work best in the fight against the dreaded migraine, I contacted expert Professor Anne MacGregor who tells me that while there are migraine specific drugs such as sumatriptan that are available without a prescription, more often than not "adequate doses of aspirin or ibuprofen are best." Paracetamol can also be used if necessary, but isn't as effective as it is typically used to "relieve mild or moderate pain," according to the NHS.

MacGregor advises to stay clear of any painkillers containing codeine, as it can "aggravate nausea and can prolong the attack." If you're familiar with Migraleve, both variants of the medication contain codeine, but the pink tablets also contain buclizine, which is used to combat the nausea.

In any case, there are plenty of ways to combat a migraine without the use of Migraleve, even so far as going down the herbalism route with products such as Tiger Balm. To help you choose what's right for you, here's a brief rundown of the most effective alternatives to Migraleve which you can easily grab at your local pharmacy.

Marc Tran/Stocksy


Described as a migraine specific drug, sumatriptan is believed to narrow blood vessels, which are the main cause of the throbbing pain often associated with migraines, which is believed to be "a result of blood vessels in the brain widening or swelling," according to Net Doctor.

While sumatriptan is only effective once the migraine begins — it shouldn't be used to prevent one from occurring — it is believed to relieve symptoms within 30 minutes. Many pharmacies produce their own brands of Sumatriptan, including this offering from Boots.


This painkiller is probably one you're quite familiar with, as along with paracetamol it's a usual go to for moderate pain. While ibuprofen is typically used for inflammation and swelling as it is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), many sufferers of mild migraines have found that it soothes symptoms, according to the Center For Advancing Health.

Ibuprofen can come in many forms, but if you want targeted relief, Nurofen have two variants that specifically focus on the symptoms of migraines.


Aspirin is also a NSAIDs like ibuprofen, but is more often than not the medication of choice when it comes to quick relief from a migraine when used at high doses, according to the NHS, by targeting the source of pain directly.

Products like Anadain (aspirin and caffience) and Anadin Extra (aspirin, paracetamol, and caffiene) are often the most effective as they target multiple symptoms at once.


While Johnson & Johnson have been responding to customers that Migraleve is still indeed temporarily out of stock, these alternatives will at least give some comfort when it comes to migraine relief. For the meantime, anyway.