1. Scrotal Recall
This show has a silly name, so go ahead and giggle, but it is also a startlingly realistic and funny look at love in the 21st century.
2. Jane The Virgin
Being a millennial is hard enough without dealing with your OB-GYN accidentally artificially inseminating you during a routine checkup. Jane deals with the situation like a champ though and never lets anything stop her from pursuing her dreams.
3. Being Mary Jane
If you need tips on how to balance your professional life and your personal life, then look no further than Mary Jane. Not only does she have a killer job, she finds a way to make time for a social life as well.
4. New Girl
Money problems, relationship turmoil, cool drinking games, career woes and triumphs — they all happen within the loft on this show. The beauty of New Girl is the roommates represent the whole gamut of millennials from the ones who are killing it at their careers (Schmidt) to the ones who have no idea what they want out of life (Nick). Even better is the fact that they all stick by each other, forming a de facto family you will want to join after one episode.
5. The I.T. Crowd
The next time you have a terrible day, go home and watch Moss, Rory, and Jen break the internet, prepare for a visit from Aunt Flo, and try to understand why people like sports.
6. Friends
If you feel like no one told you life was going to be this way, then you need to turn to Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Joey, Phoebe, and Ross. It is shocking just how little being an adult has changed since the early '90s. The phones may have been clunkier back then, but the importance of surrounding yourself with friends you can commiserate with has stayed the same.
7. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Do you need a crash course in how to overcome obstacles, be positive, and deal with your stuff? Meet Kimmy Schmidt, your new role model.
8. Being Human
Your 20s are a confusing, scary, wonderful time, and no one understands the experience quite like supernatural flatmates George, Annie, and Mitchell.
9. Gilmore Girls
Life lessons come with coffee, obscure pop culture references, and a side of snark on Gilmore Girls. Whether you identify with Rory's college woes or Lorelai's independent, forge your own path attitude, the Gilmores will leave you feeling confidant and way less alone.
10. Portlandia
Portlandia is the smart shot of sly, silly social commentary you need after the end of a long day working, side hustling, and going on your latest Tinder date.
11. Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The first three seasons of Buffy leaned heavily on the "high school is hell" metaphor, but the next four were straightforward about how difficult it is balancing college, work, family responsibilities, changing friendships, and your first adult relationships.
12. The Office
There comes a time in every millennial's life when they will find themselves working at a job they don't want to be their career. Whether you are going through that period now or it is just a distant memory, The Office understands exactly what you are feeling.
13. iZombie
It turns out turning into a crime-solving zombie is an apt metaphor for all the unexpected ways your life and goals will change during your 20s.
14. Freaks & Geeks
Just because high school is in your rear view mirror does not mean you are too old to learn something from Lindsay Weir's journey from star student to the curious girl hanging out at the bleachers.
15. Call The Midwife
Career driven millennials will adore the young women at the center of Call the Midwife. Although it is a period show, Call the Midwife makes the politics and the personal lives of its characters feel relevant and relatable in ways that will catch you off guard (and cause you to shed more than a few tears).
16. Fuller House
Fuller House will do more than make you nostalgic for your childhood, it will also make you over relate to the confident, free spirit that is Stephanie Tanner.
17. Master Of None
Aziz Ansari tackles feminism, immigrant parents, the reality of modern relationships, and everything in between in his masterful comedy about figuring out who you want to be.
18. Fresh Meat
If you have ever had a roommate — and let's face it, every cashed strapped millennial has — Fresh Meat is going to make you cringe and laugh and then cringe some more.
19. How I Met Your Mother
For all you romantics with a serious case of nostalgia, How I Met Your Mother is the sweet, pop culture-infused comedy you have been waiting for. This one will resonate extra hard with millennials who have made big moves away from home.
20. Orange Is The New Black
The women of Litchfield Prison come from every background, race, sexuality, and age. Watching the all the ways they struggle to live their lives side by side is one of the most rewarding TV watching experiences you will ever have.
21. Scrubs
When you finally start your career, it is the most rewarding, terrifying, and exhilarating experience you will ever have. Scrubs captures all of those feelings better than any other show out there.
22. Love
Love is a slow burn show, but once it gets going it presents a picture of aimlessness, addiction, and strained relationships. It takes on the darker side of growing up and it is all the better for it.
23. Alias
Yes, Alias is a twisty spy show with a complicated mythology, but it is also a covert coming of age story that will both entertain you and surprise you with just how much you can relate to Sydney Bristow's journey.
24. Cheers
This classic '80s sitcom is going to blow your mind when an over-educated, under-qualified Diane walks into Cheers and makes you realize the stuff you are going through right now is the same stuff your parents went through three decades ago.
25. Don't Trust The B---- In Apt. 23
A big part of being an adult is embracing who you are, and Chloe, the titular "b," owns her hedonistic lifestyle and even takes the less confidant June under her wing. The comedy is outrageous, but also a whole lot of fun.
26. Bob's Burgers
Two words: Tina Belcher. This animated 13-year-old is the life hero every millennial needs.
27. 30 Rock
In Liz Lemon, Tina Fey created the quirky role model that would go on to be the most relatable character any millennial will ever encounter. Trust me, you need Liz in your life. Whether or not you realize it yet, she gets you.