23 'Gilmore Girls' Episodes To Watch If You Ship Luke & Lorelai
Warner Bros. Television
If you consider yourself a Stars Hollow fanatic, then it's time to talk about Luke & Lorelai's best Gilmore Girls episodes. They are definitely the "it" couple of the series and they had so many romantic moments throughout the seven seasons. Since the very first episode, there was never any doubt that the two would end up together. They encountered many rough moments along the way, but Luke and Lorelai managed to find their way back to one another in the end. If you always rooted for them, then it's time to discuss the 23 Gilmore Girls episodes to watch if you ship Luke & Lorelai.
On many occasions Luke and Lorelai would be seen arguing about coffee, junk food, or cell phone usage, but deep down they always cared about one another. The best part about their relationship, whether it was romantic or just platonic, they simply just wanted the best for each other. Like Luke once gushed to Lorelai, "It's like, it's not even real to me, it's like my life isn't even real to me unless you're there and you're in it and I'm sharing it with you. And, uh... I don't know what I was waiting for and I don't know what I was scared of, but I'm not, I'm not scared and I'm not waiting, I'm here."
Despite Luke uttering the above right before Lorelai told him she slept with Christopher at the end of Season 6, the quote just goes to show you how strong their connection was throughout the entire dramedy. And with that, let's get to the episodes you definitely should watch if you can't get enough of Luke and Lorelai.
1. "Forgiveness and Stuff" — Season 1, Episode 10
When Richard ended up in the hospital in Season 1, Luke didn't hesitate to take Lorelai to the hospital. He dropped everything for her and even shut down his diner to drive Lorelai. They shared some really nice moments throughout this episode, including Lorelai gifting Luke that famous blue hat he wore for most of the series.
2. "Double Date" — Season 1, Episode 12
After going on a disastrous double date with Jackson, his cousin Rune, and Sookie, Luke almost asked out Lorelai on a real-life date. Unfortunately, he had some interruptions and also got scared in the end, but it still made for an unforgettable episode.
3. "That Damn Donna Reed" — Season 1, Episode 14
While helping Luke pick out a paint color for the diner, Lorelai had a nice conversation with Luke about his late father. Of course, the town tried to disrupt them, but, don't worry, this scene resulted in Luke and Lorelai getting awfully close, as they hid behind the counter. They didn't kiss, but there was a lot of sexual tension.
4. "Love, Daisies, & Troubadours" — Season 1, Episode 21
The Season 1 finale was a whirlwind of emotions. Despite Max proposing to Lorelai, Rachel left because she knew Luke had feelings for Lorelai. Luke also made it clear throughout the episode that his relationship with Lorelai was forever. Like he told Max, "It doesn't matter what time it is, I'll always be around."
5. "Run Away, Little Boy" — Season 2, Episode 9
Here is yet another time when these two made it clear they're "forever". However, this time it was Lorelai making the declaration. She told Luke, "I don't have many people in my life who are in my life permanently, forever. They will always be there for me, I will always be there for them. You know? There's Rory and Sookie, this town, and you."
6. "A-Tisket, A-Tasket" — Season 2, Episode 13
What's better than watching an episode where Luke and Lorelai share a picnic basket lunch? That's exactly what they did here. It was strictly as friends, but it turned special when Luke called it "nice." Yes, Lorelai had to convince Luke to bid on her basket, but it all worked out in the end and shined a light on what future dates would look like for the duo.
7. "Dead Uncles & Vegetables" — Season 2, Episode 17
In Season 2, Luke's Uncle Louie died, who no one in Stars Hollow liked. As Luke planned the funeral, Lorelai sweetly took over the diner. It was a lovely gesture. If that wasn't enough, Lorelai was the only one who showed up to the funeral and even got the town's Revolutionary War re-enactors to play music, which is what Luke's dad wanted for Louie. This episode showed just how willing they were to go above and beyond for the other person during a difficult time.
8. "Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days" — Season 3, Episode 1
This episode gave fans a true gift. It was the first time viewers ever saw Luke and Lorelai kiss. Plus, she was also pregnant in the dream. Yes, it happened during Lorelai's dream, but to be able to see them interact as a couple was truly special.
9. "In The Clamor & The Clangor" — Season 4, Episode 11
After Lorelai found out Luke got an apartment with Nicole outside of Stars Hollow, she wasn't happy. The fact that he got a place with Nicole affected her greatly. Lorelai even admitted to him that she didn't want him to move or leave their beloved town.
10. "The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais" — Season 4, Episode 14
This was a very eye-opening episode. After running out of money for her inn, Lorelai became desperate enough that she wanted to ask Luke for money. Eventually, she had a breakdown over feeling like a failure. So much so, she literally broke down crying in Luke's arms. He comforted her, held her, let her cry, and let her know she was far from a failure. The fact that they could lean on one another during emotional moments like this showed how comfortable they were with each other.
11. "Luke Can See Her Face" — Season 4, Episode 20
Does it get better than this episode when Luke finally realized he wanted Lorelai to be more than just his friend? Better yet, Luke actually had help from a self-help book and tape. The end of Season 4 has the best Luke and Lorelai episodes. And it all started when Luke saw Lorelai's face and realized she was the woman he wanted to be with.
12. "Last Week Fights, This Week Tights" — Season 4, Episode 21
After coming to the realization he that had feelings for Lorelai, Luke took her to Liz and TJ's wedding. He even ended up courting Lorelai throughout the entire episode. Oh, and yes, they also danced together. What made the episode even better is at the end when Luke asked out Lorelai — on a real date.
13. "Raincoats & Recipes" — Season 4, Episode 22
And this is the Luke and Lorelai episode. During the trial run for Lorelai and Sookie's Dragonfly Inn, Luke and Lorelai shared their first kiss. But, there's so much more that led up to the memorable kiss. Luke gave Lorelai flowers, they stared at each other from across the room, and made it well known they were starting to see each other in a different light than friendship.
14. "Written In The Stars" — Season 5, Episode 3
In one of TV's most romantic moments, Luke showed Lorelai how much she truly meant to him. Not only did they go out on their first official date in this episode, but Luke showed his commitment to Lorelai by reading a horoscope she gave him eight years prior on the very first day they had ever met. That's right, he kept the newspaper clipping in his wallet all that time. Like he told Lorleai, "This thing we're doing here, me and you. I just want you to know, I'm in. I am all in."
15. "Say Something" — Season 5, Episode 14
After Emily invited Christopher to her vow renewal to basically disrupt Lorelai and Luke's relationship, Luke decided he needed to be by himself and broke things off. Lorelai was understandably upset and became terrified she'd lose Luke forever. It got to the point where she left him a frantic voicemail, and then tried to steal the voicemail tape from Luke's apartment before he heard it. However, she was too late and Luke showed up at her house anyway, because, well, he cared for her and would show up whenever she needed it — even when he was also hurting deeply.
16. "Jews & Chinese Food" — Season 5, Episode 15
The brief moment Luke and Lorelai were broken up in Season 5 was rough. It included a scene during Fiddler on the Roof when Kurt and a young girl sang "Do You Love Me?" As Luke and Lorelai helped with the play throughout the episode, it was clear they still had feelings for each other, but even more so during this song.
17. "So...Good Talk" — Season 5, Episode 16
After Richard and Emily's disastrous nuptials and Luke and Lorelai took a break, the two finally got back together in this episode. Emily is actually to thank for their reunion. She visited Luke at the diner and told him that Lorelai wanted him, nobody else. Emily even promised that she would stay out of their relationship. The result? Luke rushed over to Lorelai's and kissed her. There's nothing quite like a Luke and Lorelai reunion.
18. "A House Is Not A Home" — Season 5, Episode 22
The moment Lorelai proposed to Luke in the Season 5 finale, well, fans' dreams officially came true. Even better was during the Season 6 premiere when Luke, without hesitation, answered Lorelai with a definitive, "Yes." Before Lorelai popped the question, Luke was on a tirade over Rory leaving Yale and moving in with Emily and Richard. Clearly, in this moment, Lorelai fell even harder for Luke, because he was on her side.
19. "To Whom It May Concern" — Season 7, Episode 12
Fans will never forget the time Lorelai wrote a character reference for Luke during his custody battle for his daughter, April. Despite Lorelai and Luke's engagement ending, Lorelai sleeping with Christopher, Luke keeping April a secret from Lorelai, and every other bad thing that happened between them, it didn't stop Lorelai from writing a moving letter for Luke. The best part was when Christopher read it and realized that Luke would never be out of Lorelai's life.
20. "I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia" — Season 7, Episode 13
In the final season, Richard ended up in the hospital again, and once Luke heard about Richard, he went straight to the hospital. He even welcomed any tasks Emily assigned him, including picking up Richard's car. Luke also brought food to the hospital. Even though Christopher eventually showed up at the end of the episode (and wasn't happy to see Luke), Luke was the real winner — even in Lorelai's eyes.
21. "Hay Bale Maze" — Season 7, Episode 18
Luke and Lorelai went throught a lot of negativity in both Season 6 and Season 7. Both of them were too stubborn during both seasons to ever own up to their poor choices and actions. Finally, that all changed near the end of the seventh season when Luke and Lorelai apologized to one another in the hay bale maze. Their apologies were long overdue. Once they finally said "I'm sorry," they could officially move forward, all while opening up the romance door.
22. "Lorelai? Lorelai?" — Season 7, Episode 20
Lorelai singing karaoke is a great moment. To help Rory destress before college graduation, the mother-daughter duo had an epic today together, which included Lorelai singing "I Will Always Love You" (in honor of Dolly Parton, of course) to her daughter. Well, Lorelai's song quickly became a heartfelt serenade for Luke, who walked in while she was on stage. It's definitely a tear-jerker moment and one that proved despite all of the hard times the two had faced over the past few years, they still very much loved each other.
23. "Bon Voyage" — Season 7, Episode 22
The series finale was the episode fans waited a long time for. After a horrific breakup and Lorelai getting back together with Christopher, Luke and Lorelai finally reunited in the last episode ever by kissing during Rory's goodbye party. What made this episode even better were the lengths Luke went to ensure Rory got the goodbye he felt she deserved.
Luke and Lorelai definitely faced a lot of ups and downs throughout the series, but it didn't stop them from finding their way back to one another. And despite the episodes fans wish they could forget, at least there are plenty of Luke and Lorelai episodes that make fans fall in love with them all over again.