Here Are 20 Trans Rights Organizations You Can Donate To Right Now

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are full of messages supporting transgender rights, uploaded by trans people and their allies with the hashtag #WontBeErased. That's in response to a piece in The New York Times on Sunday reporting that the Trump administration is looking to redefine sex to totally erase trans people from federal non-discrimination laws. Protesting online and in person has been huge, and for those who would like to, here are 20 organizations to donate to that support the trans community.
Transgender and non-binary rights have been under attack just about since Trump was sworn into office. His administration has fought against the rights of transgender people in schools, health care, and the military — and the new memo that The Times reported is seen by trans advocates as even more severe.
With regards to Title IX laws on sex discrimination in education, the Department of Health and Human Services reportedly wants to give sex a legal definition as either male or female as decided at birth based on one's genitalia or genetic testing. Any legal gender change later in life would not be recognized based on that definition.
This list showcases some nationwide groups that will work hard to push back against that change — but there are also lots of smaller, trans-led organizations that make a difference in the communities they serve. There's likely a group similar where you live. Consider searching them out and donating there, too.
1) National Center for Transgender Equality
This is the top trans advocacy organization for lobbying in D.C. They push policy that betters the lives of trans people and will work within government to stop this and other potentially harmful changes.
2) Lambda Legal
Lambda Legal doesn't just represent transgender people, but the entire LGBTQ community and people living with HIV. But, they are heavily focused on winning cases for trans people and have been involved in many cases securing rights for trans people through sex anti-discrimination laws.
3) Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center is a trans-led organization that focuses on self-determination for all people. Their programs include all sorts of social-justice issues like detention, immigration, public housing, and more.
4) Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund also works to use litigation to advance trans rights in the country. They provide legal services to trans people that need it, for example to help with a legal name change.
5) Trans Lifeline
Trans Lifeline runs a crisis support hotline both in the U.S. and Canada. They'll also help you get funding for new documents and name changes.
6) Victory Fund
The Victory Fund also benefits the larger LGBTQ community, not just trans people, but they specialize in training candidates to run for office and helping fund their campaigns. They've been instrumental in advancing and electing candidates like Danica Roem.
7) The Sylvia Rivera Law Project
The Sylvia Rivera Law Project, named after one of the protesters at the Stonewall Riots, works to make sure people can live their gender identity and expression freely without harassment or discrimination — all while taking into account income and race.
8) The National LGBTQ Task Force
This is also an umbrella LGBTQ organization, but The National LGBTQ Task Force has a large amount of programming dedicated solely to the trans community and its needs.
9) Transgender American Veterans Association
The Transgender American Veterans Association works to speak out on issues facing trans people who once served in the military, particularly connected to VA hospitals and healthcare.
10) Immigration Equality Action Fund
The Immigration Equality Action Fund is the largest organization in the country that works to represent LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants living in the United States, as well as their families. Trans asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable as they travel to and seek refuge in the country.
11) Trans Student Educational Resources
Trans Student Educational Resources is a youth trans-led organization that works to make schools more trans-friendly. Given the recent role of Title IX in guaranteeing trans rights for students, this organization is particularly pertinent.
12) The Trans Justice Funding Project
The Trans Justice Funding Project works to raise money for trans-led initiatives to benefit transgender people through grants. Their goal is to build trans leadership in civil society.
13) El/La Para Trans Latinas
El/La Para Trans Latinas focuses on providing services to transLatinas in the San Francisco Bay, particularly offering safe spaces, violence prevention, and health services.
14) TGI Justice Project
TGI Justice Project is a group run by trans women of color who were formerly incarcerated or are regularly targeted by the police. They work to prevent imprisonment, police violence, and racism.
15) Brave Space Alliance
Brave Space Alliance is based on the South Side of Chicago and provides resources to trans people of color, as well as trainings and programs to give their members a voice in the city's larger LGBTQ community.
16) Trans Youth (TRUTH) Program
The Trans Youth (TRUTH) Program works to give a voice to trans kids by recording their stories. The organization hopes to build community and transform society.
17) Trans Women of Color Collective
Trans Women of Color Collective works to give trans and gendernon-conforming people of color a greater voice in the struggle for trans rights. It also works to create spaces and opportunities for new leaders.
18) Casa Ruby
Casa Ruby is a bilingual and multicultural LGBTQ community center based in D.C. that provides social services to 6,000 people a year, many of whom are trans. It was founded by a young transgender Latina immigrant named Ruby Corado.
19) Trans Sistas Of Color Project
This organization, Trans Sistas of Color Project, works to help trans women in Detroit during times of need. They also offer classes and workshops, such as self defense.
20) BreakOUT!
BreakOUT! New Orleans works to end the criminalization of LGBTQ people in the city. They work with youth aged 13 to 25 and focus on organizing and leadership development.
Whether you choose a national trans organization — or prefer to find a local group providing services to your community — offering financial support is another way to lift up the trans community that is under attack.
Your donation, and your advocacy, can make a difference.