19 Vegan Passover Seder Dessert Recipes

For me, being vegan on Passover and brining some vegan Passover recipes to a seder is a no-brainer, a continuation of my Jewish ideals. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I think that eating vegan is one of the best ways to celebrate Passover — animals held captive for food are by far the world's most-enslaved population. Why support an industry behind so much suffering on a day that's all about celebrating liberation? Instead, by bringing a vegan Passover dessert to a seder, you'll be truly celebrating all that's sweet in life.
For those who don't know, on Passover, Jews refrain from eating "chametz:" anything that contains barley, wheat, rye, oats, and spelt. Many Ashkenazi Jews also don't eat something called "kinyot" — corn, rice, peanuts, and legumes, based on the logic that they are also used to make bread, and may have other grains mixed in. Eliminating kinyot has mercifully fallen out of "style;" in 2016, the Conservative movement "ruled" that those foods were indeed kosher for Passover, meaning that most Jews will feel fine about eating kinyot now. It's up to you, but for the purposes of this article, I'm going to include recipes with some kinyot ingredients (like chickpea flour), but avoid chametz. Got it? Good.
Luckily, vegan recipes are also pretty perfectly suited to keeping kosher in general (no need to worry about mixing meat and dairy!) so if you have religious family, you can feel assured that bringing one of these 19 vegan Passover dessert recipes will make you just as popular. Even better, raw vegan desserts are often grain-free, and therefore are already perfectly-suited for the holiday.
Chocolate Macaroon Tart
Everyone knows Passover is all about the macaroons — but you can take your love one step farther with this Oh She Glows macaroon tart. Hello.
Tahini-Stuffed Dates
Tahini and dates? What a nice Jewish dessert recipe by Minimalist Baker!
Chocolate-Covered Matzo Bark
It's all about that chocolate-covered matzo bark — dessert time or not — and this recipe by What Jew Wanna Eat easily teaches you how to make your own, using vegan dark chocolate and toppings like coconut.
Raw Double Chocolate Macaroons
A double chocolate bomb by Minimalist Baker, these raw macaroons will win over the ones in the tin any day — but are still easy to make.
Matzo Puppy Chow
If you're not worried about peanuts on Passover, just use vegan butter or margarine for this What Jew Wanna Eat recipe.
Mango Coconut Ladoo
People will think they're macaroons — and then get a yummy surprise with this traditional Indian dessert by Vegan Richa.
No-Bake Chocolate Cheesecake
Another raw option that's grain-free, this Minimalist Baker recipe is kosher for Passover — and no one will believe it's vegan — until they lack a Jewish lactose stomachache.
Salted Date Caramel Pie
Salted caramel, dates, and chocolate ensure this Vegan Richa recipe will be a crowd-pleaser.
Dark Chocolate Coconut Banana Matzo Brie
What would Passover be without some matzo brie for breakfast? This recipe by What Jew Wanna Eat will make you the hero of any kids in your family, that's for sure.
5-Minute Espresso Walnut Brownies
Ensure at least one dessert gets saved for adults-only with this raw Minimalist Baker recipe using espresso.
Lemon Flan
Yes, you can make vegan flan! I'm stoked to try this new Vegan Richa recipe with lemons from my backyard.
Raw Carrot Orange Lemon Cake
This Connoisseurus Veg recipe is great for even your most health-conscious Aunt, and is totally kosher for Passover, since it's grain-free.
Chocolate Truffles
These kosher for Passover vegan truffles by What Jew Wanna Eat will definitely make you the hero of the kids' table.
Raw Banana Cream Pie
If you're not so big on chocolate, this Minimalist Baker recipe is a fruit-lover's dream.
Sephardic-Style Haroset Bites
Sure, you could have this during dinner too, but these haroset balls by May I Have That Recipe would also make a great breakfast, snack, or dessert — and are certainly very sweet.
Raspberry Lime Cheesecake
If you don't want to create more dishes for your host, these mini cheesecakes by Veganosity ensure you'll use fewer plates.
Chocolate Pudding
A yummy and easy pudding, this dessert by Veganosity is healthy enough that parents will thank you — and kids won't know any better.
Dark Chocolate Golden Milk Macaroons
If you want to make some truly unique macaroons, these Minimalist Baker beauties will impress the whole mishpacha, without actually being much work to make.
No-Bake Double Chocolate Torte
Another lovely torte option by Oh She Glows, this beauty is totally kosher for Passover. Freedom for all beings never tasted so sweet.
To find out more about how veganism aligns with Jewish values and Passover, check out Jewish Veg.