
18 Things Every Succulent Lover Needs To Own

by Megan Grant
Courtesy of Brands

Succulents are the most underrated plants. They tend to be understated and inconspicuous, often being passed over for more flowery options like roses and tulips. If you know to appreciate their beauty, though, you're going to want to check out these 18 things every succulent lover needs to own.

I'll be honest: one of the things I love most about succulents is that they're hard to kill. That would explain why they grow abundantly in my arid home of Las Vegas. And, if you get the right breed, they're fairly easy to grow indoors, too. Some species of succulents thrive best with less sunlight, meaning even if your house is mostly dim, you can still enjoy them for longer periods of time. Promising news, indeed, for anyone who can't seem to keep a plant alive. (Me.)

The succulent fan community is so big that a quick search online will yield all kinds of crafts, home decor, decorations, trinkets, and so much more, all dedicated to the trendy plant. And you don't even need to water them. Not a bad deal.

If you want to fill your life with all sorts of succulent-themed goodies, these 18 planterific (jokes!) items will probably do the trick.


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