18 Holiday Gifts You Should Totally Just Buy For Yourself This Year

You know who my favorite person is to shop for during the holiday season? Me. If you're like me and you can't wait to see what you've left yourself under the tree on Christmas morning, I've put together a list of 18 gifts to treat yourself to this holiday season, because you're fabulous and you deserve it.
We spend so much time shopping for our friends and family each season (do they know how lucky they are?) that we completely forget to indulge in a little retail therapy for ourselves. How could we be so careless? You're so busy buying those personalized socks for your BFF and that Batman Snuggie for your dad and a Disney princess wreath for the neighbor kid that you totes forgot that you asked yourself to get yourself Le Creuset's lavender cookware line because you *really* need it. How could you?
You can't disappoint yourself again this year. You already forgot to get yourself a present last year, and that was pretty embarrassing. Enough is enough. I know, I know. The holidays are about the joy of giving, blah blah blah who cares. This year, add yourself to Santa's nice list and treat yourself to one of these 18 gifts — or all of them.