If You're Worried About Avengers Dying In 'Infinity War', These 17 Memes REALLY Get You

The fateful day is almost upon us: Avengers: Infinity War premieres this week. The movie, essentially a decade in the making, is the culmination of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe and represents a massive turning point in the franchise. Because of this, there is a massive expectation among the fanbase that characters will die. Many characters. But the silver lining to all of this (expected) death is the plethora of memes about Avengers: Infinity War deaths. The internet has outdone itself in anticipation of the movie, with fans from all corners coming up with lots of things to say about all of the impending death and destruction.
In case you're somehow unaware, the plot of Infinity War is this: Thanos, a very powerful alien from a planet called Titan, goes on a quest to locate all six of the Infinity Stones — cosmic artifacts that grant their owner Godlike powers. His ultimate goal, once collecting all of the stones and essentially becoming omnipotent, is to wipe out half the life in the universe. Standing in his way are basically all the Marvel heroes: The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther and Wakanda, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange, and it seems highly unlikely that everyone is going to survive. So now that you've got the gist of what's at stake, here's the best of what the internet has to offer when it comes to Infinity War death memes.
1The Struggle Is Real
Infinity War makes for an odd experience. Every Marvel fan is over the moon excited to watch the film, but they're all equally dreading how they'll feel once it's over, knowing that many characters are likely to die.
Blame Thanos all you want, but we all know those responsible for killing everyone's faves are directors Joe and Anthony Russo.
5Gluttons For Punishment
Fans must ask themselves: Why are we doing this ourselves?
6Now You're Onto Something
This works in theory, but in order for it to really work you'd also have to keep off the internet for the rest of your life because spoilers will be everywhere.
7Soundtrack Spoilers
Marvel movies aren't really known for their scores, but if this were the actual song list from Infinity War people would definitely take note.
8Disney What Have You Done
When Disney purchased Marvel in 2012 was it always their goal to leave the fandom emotionally destroyed?
9Well, Not Technically...
Star-Lord isn't high on many peoples' Infinity War dead pools, but his "unspoken thing" with Thanos' daughter Gamora could definitely land him in hot water.
10There's A Good Chance
Iron Man, on the other hand, is often cited as a character marked for death. And since he's the MCU originator, his death would be especially cutting.
11Plot Summary
The two cornerstones of the MCU could realistically both die in Infinity War. That's going to be a tough pill to swallow.
12They Know Where Our Hearts Lie
This will likely be a very rough movie for all of those Cap/Bucky shippers out there.
13Wouldn't Be The First Time
Will the movie kill off both Cap and Bucky? That might be too much for fans to handle.
14It's Gonna Happen
While Cap, Iron Man, and Bucky are all candidates for an Infinity War death, no character is more widely expected to perish than fan favorite Loki.
15Is That How Loki Goes?
Will Loki be decapitated? Have his head squashed? Shrunken? What is Ruffalo trying to tell us here?
16A Dark Day
Will Tumblr even exist anymore in a world without Tom Hiddleston's Loki? We may soon find out.
17A Different Kind Of Death
In the admittedly weird "Infinity Gauntlet" comic book storyline, on which the movie is partly based, Thanos wipes out half the life in the universe in an effort to impress the entity Death, with whom he is in love. The movie isn't expected to incorporate this element of the story, even though Thanos' first MCU appearance at the end of The Avengers did hint at it.
Hopefully these Infinity War death memes help soften the blow of what's coming, because this movie is going to be emotional.