Share These "Manchester" Tributes & Memes

Millions of people in the United Kingdom and around the world are waking up to extremely difficult news coming from Manchester, England. On Monday night, at an Ariana Grande concert, a bomb went off near the exit as thousands of concert goers, many of them young teens, streamed out of the arena high on the energy of a fun night. As police make sense of what happened, likely a terrorist attack, officials have reported that at least 22 were killed and nearly 60 injured. These are some "Manchester" tributes and memes that you can share to show your support in solidarity.
This kind of event is upsetting for anyone who has ever been or plans to go to a concert. What in one moment is a night of joy, is changed forever more. That's especially true for those present. The pop star herself posted to Twitter after the attack, acknowledging the difficulty in finding the proper reaction to a tragic act of violence. "broken," she posted. "from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don't have words." Her sentiments were shared by thousands more across the world Monday night into Tuesday morning. You can honor those lost by sharing messages with your network too.
1Standing Together
One of the big responses of the night has been calls to stand strong together.
2Honor & Help Those Missing
One meme that you can share is this image of helpful phone numbers and links. There remains a number of young people missing, and their parents could use help in locating them.
3Hearts Are With Them
Let the families and victims know that they're in your thoughts.
4With James Corden's Words
One of the most moving tributes came from British late night host James Corden:
When I think of Manchester, the place that I know, I think of the spirit of the people there, and I'm telling you: a more tight-knit group of people you will be hard-pressed to find. Strong, proud, caring people with community at its core, and if it was even possible, the spirit of the people of Manchester will grow even stronger this evening.
5Acknowledge The Children
Many of those affected were young, making this even more difficult.
8Remember These Wise Words
The only way to respond to this kind of hate is love, as Martin Luther King, Jr. taught.
10Institutions Have Joined Also
The EU has lowered their flags in honor.
14"One Last Time"
The song includes lyrics like:
So one last time / I need to be the one who takes you home / One more time / I promise after that, I'll let you go
15NATO Stands With Manchester
The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization sent his support to the young people affected and promised to continue the fight against terrorism.
16Messages From Ariana's Fans
The family of fans around the world has been strongly moved by this loss.
17The Manchester Skyline
Manchester at dawn is a strong visual to share to show that lightness will conquer darkness and that those working to kill and cause suffering will not succeed. Society will remain strong, connected, and in solidarity with the victims and their families.
The worst part of the Manchester attack is the possibility of it happening anywhere. At any concert. But we must continue living our lives to the fullest and not be afraid. These messages of solidarity can help everyone do just that. Here are more ways you can help.