Decorate The Room Of Your Book-Loving Dreams With These 17 Gorgeous Literary Prints

Buying a book for a book lover is surprisingly fraught territory. Sure, you may think that they haven't read this one yet, but you can never know for sure. You don't know if you're buying the right edition or the correct cover variant. But all book lovers, from the literary snobs to the library fiends to the people who dog ear their pages, love a good literary art print.
With wall art, you can declare your love of books without cramming anything else into those overstuffed bookshelves. Here are some gorgeous art prints for people who love books, because sometimes an art print is worth several thousand words.
These prints range from tastefully rendered book quotes to vintage book covers. There are minimalist interpretations of literature, full-on illustrations of book scenes, and even entire books reprinted on one single poster. There's a print out there for everyone. And now your bedroom, office, or vast library wing can be lined with beautiful, bookish art. It's a tragic fact of reality that book lovers can't read books every second of every day, but this wall art will remind you of your favorite reads even when you don't have time to read them.
1Langston Hughes Quote Print

Langston Hughes, $24, Obvious State
Obvious State should be everyone's first stop for literary art prints, because its collection is simply stunning. This Langston Hughes quote is illustrated with a striking silhouette of one man's soul growing ever deeper.
2'The Little Prince' Print
The Little Prince, $24, Litographs
Litographs is another great spot for bookish art. It has posters, bags, and shirts with entire books printed on them, like this adorable print of the Little Prince on his home planet.
3Harry Potter 'Adventure' Print
Adventure, $45, Pottermore
Yeah, I know you've read other books, but at the end of the day we're all just a bunch of nostalgic Potterheads. This illustration of the "Adventure" quote from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will make you smile fondly and then cry about Dumbledore all over again.
4A Plotting of Fiction Genres

A Plotting of Fiction Genres, $29, Pop Chart Lab
If you like your wall art to also be somewhat educational, this is the print for you. With this poster, you can peruse the tangled web of literary genres, from Lord of the Rings to Bridget Jones' Diary and back again.
5Part-Poet, Part-Wolf Pendant

Part Poet part wolf, $40, Rayo & Honey
Rayo & Honey offers wall pendants emblazoned with inspiring slogans, like "Read Write Repeat" or "Part Poet Part Wolf." Hang this above your favorite reading or writing spot to feel just a little fiercer when you pick up a pen.
6'Pride and Prejudice' Print
Pride and Prejudice, $24, Litograph
For Austen fans, enjoy a cup of tea and a session of restrained flirtation while admiring your new Pride and Prejudice art print. And yes—the entire book is printed on this piece, albeit in very fine print.
7'An Unexpected Delivery' Print
An Unexpected Delivery, $25, Pottermore
Stun your house guests with this beautiful print of Hagrid delivering the wee baby Harry Potter to the home of his negligent aunt and uncle. It's a vividly captured illustration of one of the most iconic moments in the series.
8A Visual Compendium of Typewriters

A Visual Compendium of Typewriters, $29, Pop Chart Lab
For any writers out there, or simply fans of vintage typewriters, this print is a comprehensive guide to the many typewriters of the world.
9"Too Fond of Books" Print

"She is Too Fond of Quotes" Print, $26, Bookishly
Don't have a ton of free wall space? You can still display this lovely floral mini-print of a Louisa May Alcott quote, which reads: "She is too found of books, and it has turned her brain."
10Zora Neale Hurston Quote Print

Zora Neale Hurston, $24, Obvious State
This print from Obvious State weaves the image of author Zora Neale Hurston into a sea and moon-scape, illustrating her quote: "And the moon breaks the heart of the ocean."
11'Ban This Book' Poster

"Ban This Book" Poster, $18, Incidental Comics
Stand up for banned books with this delightful "Ban This Book" comic from Incidental Comics. Incidentally, you should also check out Incidental Comics for more clever comics aimed at book lovers.
12USA Literary Map

USA Literary Map, $15, The Literary Gift Company
For a crash course in American lit, pick up this beautifully designed map of American authors. You could use this map to plan your next all-American reading list or even your next cross-country trip.
13Gryffindor Common Room Print
Gryffindor Common Room, $25, Pottermore
Curl up by the fire and make any room as cozy as the Gryffindor Common Room with this warm and welcoming print. Or, if you're looking for something danker, Pottermore offers a print of Slytherin Common Room as well.
14'The Great Gatsby' Print

The Great Gatsby Poster, $15, The Literary Gift Company
We try not to judge books by their covers, but let's be honest: there's a lot of beautiful cover art out there. The Literary Gift Company offers art prints of a number of classic book covers, including the creepy floating eyes of The Great Gatsby.
15'Wuthering Heights' Art Print

Wuthering Heights, $118, Penguin Books
For an even more old-school book cover look, splurge on one of these vintage Penguin covers. It just doesn't get more classic than that awkwardly dancing Penguin logo.
16'Dream' Print

DREAM - Words by Neil, Art by David Mack, $28, Never Wear
For fans of reading, cats, magic, Neil Gaiman, and delicate watercolor paintings, this is the ideal art print. With original art by David Mack, you can by this print signed or unsigned.
17100 Essential Novels Scratch-Off Chart
100 Essential Novels Scratch-Off Chart, $35, Pop Chart Lab
If you want art that you can interact with, you need this chart. For every novel you read, you scratch off the gold foil and reveal a new detail on the cover. Use this chart as a giant TBR list, or go ahead and scratch off covers at your own whim (I won't stop you).
Images: fictiontea/Instagram