16 Quotes To Use On Your March For Science Signs

April 22 marks an important day. Not only is it Earth Day, but it's also the March for Science — part of a global movement to defend science and the crucial role it plays in our lives. If you're looking for quotes to use for your March for Science signs, I've found a bunch that are a great place to start. Local marches will be held in the name of science all around the globe, with people coming together to stand up for science and research's presence in health, safety, the economy, and the government — so whether you're participating in the main event in Washington, D.C. or a satellite event elsewhere in the world, now's the time to get those protest signs ready.
Like so many other things right now, the agencies, policies, and research funding that protect our environment (and thus, protect us) are threatened and vulnerable under the current administration. We're back to a place where we're trying to prove that climate change is real (it is), many in power are less concerned with certain pollutants (which are actually a serious worry), and budgets are being slashed while jobs are eliminated — jobs held by people doing their best to keep our Earth happy, because there is no "Planet B."
The March for Science, according to the event's website, calls "for science that upholds the common good and for political leaders and policy makers to enact evidence based policies in the public interest." It's a celebration, not a division between groups of people, and it encourages all of us to continue making science and research a priority.
But perhaps unsurprisingly, the March for Science is generating some controversy. With certain political figures expressing their desire for scientists to stay out of politics, there is a greater noticeable trend toward the dismissal of science and cold hard facts, as well as the attempt to suppress the work that scientists do.
Now more than ever, we need to stand up for the truth and what is best for all. If you plan on attending a local march — or even if you just want a powerful message to share on your social media — here are 17 quotes for the March of Science and Earth Day. Put 'em on your signs, share 'em on social media, get the word out whoever you like — and say it with me: Science is real.