16 Rude Things People Have Said To Pregnant Women
Pregnant women go through a lot. Their bodies are changing, and their hormones are out of control — but the world keeps spinning, so they have to continue moving along like nothing is going on. Some people of the non-pregnant variety are sensitive to this; others, not so much — at least, that's what we can assume based on some of the rudest things people have said about pregnancy, according to a recent Reddit thread.
One might think that when it comes to a pregnant woman, we would all know to tread carefully and choose our words wisely. One would be wrong. From comments about their weight to questioning their eating habits to remarking that their vaginas will never look the same, there are people out there who still manage to come up with the most offensive, insulting, critical, and tone-deaf things to say to pregnant women, who top the list of people you definitely don't want to piss off.
The offenses shared in Reddit range from annoying-but-relatively-harmless to downright soul-crushing, but I think we can all agree when I say: WTF were you people thinking when these words left your mouth?
I don't think I'm even doing this justice. See for yourself.
1Pregnant Or Fat?
I'm humiliated just reading this. Why does he think it's any of his business either way?
2Natural Or Synthetic?
This is a thing? People really ask this? Does nobody have twins "naturally" anymore? Did I miss something?
5Kegels With Strangers
Oh, you know, just an ordinary day at work. BTW, a stranger's vagina? Off-limits.
7Girls Steal Your Beauty
Wow... really giving future mothers something to look forward to! Pregnant women are beautiful regardless of whether it's a boy or girl.
9But... You're Gay
Sperm stores are the best! Seriously, though. Lesbians get pregnant too, people. Science!
11Coworkers Who Say Too Much
Let it out of her sight? Is that how these things work?! This hurts my soul.
12Not As Exciting As The First Time
I think Grandma drank a little too much. My heart aches for this gal.
13Staying Fit Through Pregnancy
Haven't you ever heard that unborn babies are actually allergic to the gym? (Seriously, though — it's high time we dispel the myths surrounding pregnant women and fitness.)
16Just A Little Morning Sickness
This sounds like one of the toughest pregnancies ever... but sure, crackers should do the trick.