In the same way fashion trends have a way of resurfacing every few years, certain words and phrases can come back in style, too. All we have to do is start using them, and just like that they're cool again. So let's go ahead and consider some of the best slang terms from the '90s. Because it really is time.
For many millennials, '90s nostalgia is strong. We were growing up back then, and were thus totally immersed in the fun stuff, like quotable movies, TV shows, and music. In that way, the '90s really were all that and a bag of chips. They were fly. And maybe even a little bit dope.
So many of our favorite words and phrases stemmed from the lovable movies of the era like Clueless, which gave us the snarky "as, if!" and the relatable "I'm totally buggin'!" In fact, that movie may deserve a re-watch, if you haven't seen it in a while, for both '90s terms and fashion inspiration.
The '90s may feel like they were only yesterday, but it's quickly coming up on two decades since these terms were truly popular. As a nod to the past, read on below for a few words and phrases we should bring back, just for fun.
1"Let's Bounce"
The next time you'd like to exit a party, announce to your friends that you wanna bounce. Because sure, you could say you'd like to leave. But why not do so with a touch of '90s flair?
2"Oh, Snap!"
Back in the '90s, if a story or situation was truly shocking or unbelievable, you might respond with a quick "oh, snap!" Some people still say it today, but it's a phrase that definitely deserves a bigger comeback.
3"That's Phat"
Instead of saying something's cool or lit, go ahead and impress everyone with your '90s knowledge by calling it phat. As in, "wow, this song is phat."
Do you remember when everything that was shiny was referred to as bling? (Or bling-bling?) Shiny things still exist, and this word should, too.
5"I'm Totally Buggin'"
This phrase, made popular by the movie Clueless, means you're freaking out or flipping out. Use it when you're stressed, such as "I'm stuck in traffic and I'm totally buggin'."
6"Take A Chill Pill"
On the flip side, if someone else is totally buggin', you could tell them to take a chill pill, which is the '90s way of saying they need to calm down and relax.
7"Hey, Home Skillet"
You could refer to someone as your friend. Or, you could take it up a '90s notch and replace friend with "home skillet." Something along the lines of "Hey, home skillet" would do just fine.
Short for "what's up" (in case you forgot), "sup" is a great way to greet someone when you're in a '90s kinda mood.
If you understand something, or are on the case, saying "word" let's others know you got it.
10"No Duh"
To be used when someone is saying something that's entirely obvious, "no duh" can come in handy in a variety of situations.
Do you want to hang out at someone's house? Or do you want to hang out at their crib? Let's go with the latter.
12"Talk To The Hand"
If a friend is annoying you, put up your palm and tell them to "talk to the hand." If they know anything about the '90s, they'll get the hint.
14"Da Bomb"
If a situation is really amazing then it's obviously "da bomb," according to everyone in the '90s. And hey, it might just be funny enough to start saying again.
15"What's The 411?"
Whenever you need some information, you can ask "what's the 411?" This was literally an information line you could dial back in the day, as well as a the title of a Mary J. Blige album in 1992.
While these terms might not work in every situation, they're still fun to remember, and possible to even sprinkle into lighthearted conversation. Because really, it's been far too long since anyone's said "Sup, home skillet? Let's bounce."