
15 People Who Regret Voting For Trump

by Liz Newman
Pool/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Remember when you thought regretting a breakup was bad? Try regretting who you elected as the president of the United States. In fact, a #TrumpRegrets hashtag (or on Tumblr, "Trumgrets") is making massive waves on social media. Perhaps it's the shocking disregard for women's rights. From moving to defund Planned Parenthood and reinstating the Global Gag Rule to introducing HR-7 — a bill which prohibits receiving any federal financial assistance for abortion — there's been more than a few initiatives to cause women across the country to take a stand. (Or a march, for that matter!)

And it's hardly just the female voters who are over it. There's still that whole wall initiative, and Trump's executive order banning travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries. You may know the latter as what birthed another incredibly commanding reaction and popular Twitter hashtag. #DeleteUber, anyone?

Bottom line, many onetime Trumpence backers have spoken, and it's not pretty. To prove it, here are 15 tweets that show firsthand that more than just a few Americans aren't holding back their voting remorse.

1When You Feel Lost And Overwhelmed

2When You Feel Duped

3When You Wish You Voted For Hillary

4When You Doubt Your Choice-Making Ability

5When You No Longer Feel Safe

6When You're Sensing You Made A Mistake

7When Your Wife Can't Come Home

8When You're Flat-Out Embarrassed

9When You're Over The Meltdowns

10When You're Tired Of The Blatant Unraveling

11When You Feel Betrayed

12When You've Created A Egomaniacal Monster

13When You're Starting To See The Crazy

14When You STILL Haven't Seen The Tax Returns

15When You Thought You Voted For A Decent President

And keep in mind, it's only been about two weeks. I'm sure we'll see many more Trump regrets throughout this presidency.