It's officially that time of year when spring stops being a distant memory and becomes something in our very near future. No matter how long winter has felt, the end is finally in sight. Mar. 20 is the Spring Equinox, which marks the official first day of spring (oh, and fun fact: it's also the day a super moon will grace the skies). Depending on where you live, this first day of the new season may still be cold, dark, and maybe even snowy, but at least it's a promise of good things to come! If you want to share the excitement over this new beginning, try posting a photo on Instagram, and use one of the first day of spring Instagram captions below to really make your photo stand out.
The great thing about the first day of spring is that it is always full of hope and happiness. As the days get longer, the sun sticks around until later, and the temperatures become slightly warmer, you start to feel motivated and ready for anything, which is awesome. Unfortunately, for most of the country, the beginning of spring still feels like, well, winter. You know the saying, "March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb?" It usually rings very true, leading us all to be a bit disappointed with the weather during the Spring Equinox.
Whether you want to joke around about the very un-spring-like weather on the first day of the season, or if you want to write something a little more serious as your caption, we've got an idea you'll love below:
1"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." - Doug Larson
See? You can be optimistic, even with snow on the ground.
2"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant." - Anne Bradstreet
Those months of enduring cold weather are just leading us up to feeling the joy that comes with the first real spring day.
3I'm sorry for the things I said when it was winter.
Who can't relate? The coldest season of the year just does something to people!
4"Where flowers bloom, so does hope." - Lady Bird Johnson
A little sappy, maybe, but still a very true quote, and one that's great for motivating your followers.
5Thank you for not playing with my emotions as much as this March weather is.
Send this one out as a not-so-subtle message to whoever you're dating at the moment.
6Let's celebrate the first day of spring by staying inside all day.
Let's be real: this is probably what you're going to be doing on Mar. 20. No judgment here!
7"Can words describe the fragrance of the very first breath of spring?" - Neltje Blanchan
This quote, though, reminds us all of the good things about the first day of the season.
8Every flower must grow through dirt.
Remember: spring can be really inspiring, even if it's getting a slow start. Share that energy with this quote!
9I wish the first day of spring was actually the last day of winter.
If only the Spring Equinox could instantly transform the weather!
10I'm so glad cold season is over so allergy season can begin.
Yes, flu season is starting to wind down... but your allergies are just getting started.
11Spring is my favorite time of year to stop and smell the roses... then sneeze for 20 minutes.
12Spring is that delightful time of year when I can watch Netflix with the window open.
See? It's almost like you're outside.
13"Despite the forecast, live like it's spring." - Lilly Pulitzer
Send out this cute inspirational message to anyone who's feeling down.
14"Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'" - Robin Williams
It's true! Spring is such a fun season.
15“Spring is the time of plans and projects.” ― Leo Tolstoy
It's time for a new beginning — share that on your Instagram.