14 Memes & Tweets About Rosé Season That Will Make You Feel Seen

What pairs well with rosé? Aside from everything? Because it’s 2018 and our obsessive love of all things millennial pink knows no bounds, there are plenty of ways to pair your rosé. There is rosé alfredo. We’ve got rosé-inspired pink cheese. And for dessert, we have rose season memes and tweets. Who doesn’t love a yummy, delicious, millennial pink meme?
There are also an absurd number of ways to ingest your rosé if you aren’t feeling the standard bottle of pink. There’s the recently released “Shades of Summer” rosé, in case you want to drink a little bit of the entire rainbow. Trying to rosé on the go and preferably in cider-form? There’s rosé cider in a bottle as well as rosé cider in a bottle. Want to consume your rosé with a spoon and call it dessert? You’re in luck because there is frozen rosé sorbet AKA frosé. I repeat, our love of rosé knows exactly zero bounds.
Some people may say every season is rosé season and those people would be correct. However, warmer weather is right around the corner (or currently upon us, depending on where you live) and with it comes the perfect excuse to start switching all your reds and whites to pinks. So, time to kick back and unwind (Unwine? Too far? Okay.) with your preferred form of rosé and some tweets and gifs about everyone’s favorite pink alcoholic drink.
1All Pink Everything
While you're at it, might as well shift your entire wardrobe to a subtle, millennial pink. It'll make laundry easier.
3None Of This "Wine Snob" Nonsense
If you're feeling extra fancy, you can impress your friends with some Rosé 101 and tell them how rosé is made. It gets its coloring from red grape skin. Basically, wine makers use the white grape insides and red grape skins. The amount of time the skin stays in contact with the juice is what determines the color. For pinks, one to three days is typical.
You could also just lie and say it's what happens when you mix red and white wine together. It would be false and not based in fact whatsoever, but it would be an extremely fun and meaningless thing to fib about.
4How Much Rosé Is Too Much?
I don't know how much is too much. Don't trust me with that kind of power.
5Me At Your Wedding/Bridal Shower/Sunday Dinner
Rosé is the gift that keeps on giving. Why is it not on your wedding registry? What else are you going to put in the fancy, eight-piece stemware you requested?
6One Bucket For Me Please
I mean, you can get buckets of beer. Yes, the beer comes in bottles but wine does as well. What I'm saying is: there is a clear market opportunity here.
Specifically, it makes me slutty for good Amazon Prime deals. I should not be legally trusted with rosé and access to two-day delivery.
9I'm Tasting...Pink?
The best kind of wine tasting is done in your living room, with your friends, and little to no knowledge of wine. Hints of citrus? Sure! Notes of berries? Why not! Plus, you don't have to feel judged when you don't spit out your sip.
10Summer Plans
Preferably paired with lots of Prosecco cheese and some sort of vessel to transport said cheese, like a cracker or your hands.
12The Most Notorious Of Truths
Rosé: the versatile indoor/outdoor drink that is just as effective poolside as it is bath-side. We are all so #blessed.
14Eternal Summer Mantra
^^ Evergreen tweet, though. For truly, when are we not in a state of "going to drink rosé later"?