When I think of romantic TV series, one of the first ones that comes to mind is Pushing Daisies — which says a lot about the chemistry between the show's leads, since they couldn't touch. With its mix of whimsy and commitment to second chances at love, Pushing Daisies is a series full of quotes perfect for Valentine's Day. Whether you are looking for a declaration of love as mushy as pie ala mode, or something with a little more bite like Emerson's fave, cherry-rhubarb pie, take inspiration from the Pie Hole gang when you are filling out your Valentine's Day cards this year. Remember, nothing says I would totally bring you back from the dead like a Pushing Daisies quip (except maybe pie).
Thanks to the unique bonds between Ned, Chuck, Olive, and Emerson, there was all kinds of love on display over the course of the show's two seasons. Whether you need a sweet inscription your significant other will cherish forever or a witty bit of holiday sass that would make Olive proud for your bestie, Pushing Daisies has you covered. There are just many quotes for the Ned to your Emerson as there are for the Ned to your Chuck, so choose one of the lines below to make your Valentine's Day card message extra special.
1. "I Would Love You In Any Way That I Could. And If We Could Not Touch, Then I Would Draw Strength From Your Beauty. And If I Went Blind, Then I Would Fill My Soul With The Sound Of Your Voice And The Content Of Your heart Until The Last Spark Of My Love For You Lit The Shabby Darkness Of My Mind." — Alfredo
If you need a quote designed specifically to make your significant other's heart to melt, then Alfredo's ode to Olive is your best bet.
2. "You're The Only One For Me." — Ned
Simple and straight to the point, just like Ned.
3. "Candy Might Be Sweet, But It's A Traveling Carnival Blowing Through Town. Pie Is Home. People Always Come Home. — Ned
Just make it clear to you Valentine you are the pie in this metaphor, and also this is why you didn't buy them any drug store chocolates this year.
4. "I Feel I Should Hug You. Can I Give You A Big Hug? I'm Already Hugging You, And There's Nothing You Can Do About It." — The Great Hermann
A hug inside of a Valentine is the best kind of hug.
5. "The Pie Maker Had Grown Accustomed To The Feeling His Heart Made When It Looked Out His Eyes And Saw Her Sleeping In The Next Bed." — The Narrator
If you are in a long term relationship this quote will express everything you want to tell the person you love in a creative fashion.
6. "Why Can't Sugar Be Enough?" — Olive
The age old question — put it in a card, add candy, and you just created hilarity.
7. "Wouldn't It Just Rock And Roll If Liking Someone Meant They Had To Like You Back? Of Course That'd Be A Different Universe And Something Else Would Probably Suck." — Olive
When your friend is crushing hard on someone who's not crushing on them, and you want them to know you feel their pain.
8. "You're My Family." — Ned
This message works for anyone who is close to your heart.
9. "Itty-bitty, You Got Me To Love A Rainy Day Again." — Emerson
For the friend who always inspires you to see the best in the world.
10. "You're Like Winnie The Pooh. Give Me Your Paws, Pooh." — Chuck
Let your pal know you'll always be there to help them out of jam, just like Piglet always helped Pooh.
11. "Discovered We Were A Lot Alike Seein' As How We're Both Misunderstood Badasses." — Emerson
Only Emerson could come up with a timeless quote for the ride or die friend in your life.
12. "I'd Kiss You If It Wouldn't Kill Me." — Chuck
A little sassy, a little sweet — if you and your sweetheart just started dating this quote is perfect for their card.
13. "You Haven't Been Hugged Properly. It's Like An Emotional Heimlich. Someone Puts Their Arms Around You And They Give Yo A Squeeze And All Your Fear And Anxiety Come Shooting Out Of Your Mouth In A Big Wet Wad And You Can Breath Again." — Chuck
For anyone in your life who doesn't see the point in hugs, you can sneak one into their card.
14. "I Just Thought My World Would Be A Better Place With You In It." — Ned
Best Valentine inscription ever.
See, I told you nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like Pushing Daisies.