All The Things You Probably Forgot About 'Life-Size'
Some movies just don't need sequels, meanwhile other storylines would be incomplete without a part two. Tyra Banks obviously knows of this Hollywood notion all too well, because the Life-Size sequel is coming to Freeform by the end of next year. So far, we know that the sequel will be more progressive than the first, and that it's a holiday movie. But, while we're waiting for more production details — like whether or not Lindsay Lohan will be reprising her role as Casey Stuart — let's take a trip for nostalgia's sake and review the things you totally forgot about the original Life-Size.
I'm sure you remember the gist of the film: a Barbie-like doll comes to life and changes the life of a grieving young woman filled with teenage angst. But I can also bet that a few fun facts about it have escaped your mind over the years.
From her dope outfits to how she positively impacted the lives of everyone around her, Eve was the best friend I wish everyone could've had growing up. And with Banks serving as the executive producer, I'm sure the Life-Size sequel will be in great hands. Now let's take a trip down memory lane.
1Everything Was Drew's Fault
Casey's dad's colleague purchased the Eve doll as a birthday present. She's the whole reason the beaut was brought to life.
2Casey Was A Low-key Menace
OK, so she was grieving the loss of her mother. But still, this 14-year-old was on the verge of being a major troublemaker.
3Ben Was Like Eve's Sugar Daddy
Casey's dad took Eve on a shopping spree and gave her a place to crash after only knowing her for a few hours. He's a sucker for pretty faces.
4Tyra Banks' Solo Performance Was So Bad, It Was Good
Eve performing her theme song "Be a Star" for Ben and his colleagues made for an adorable movie moment.
5Eve Was Confused By The Whole "Crying" Thing
Casey barged in on Eve and her father's romantic moment just before their lips met and she started to well up. To which Eve replied, "Casey, your Eyes. They're wet."
8Casey Was The Quarterback Of Her Football Team
And she was an all-around popular student before her mom passed away.
9Richie Was A Total Creep
Ben's officemate had a wandering eye, and cheesy pickup lines to match.
10Eve Was From Sunnyvale
And I'd totally imagine all of the Silicon Valley residents to act exactly like her.
11Drew Admitted To Being Jealous Of Eve
It was plain as day, but hearing her actually say it out loud to Ben was painful to watch.
12Casey's Team Lost The Big Championship Game
Unlike many other sports plots in Disney movies, this one didn't end with the winning trophy. But the loss helped to patch up Ben and Casey's daughter-father relationship.
13Eve Dropped Some Serious Gems About Life
There were so many life lessons in the '00s movie that still hold up today. Like, the ideal of perfection not being all it's cracked up to be, or that you can't put a time stamp on the grieving process.
Life-Size is a total classic, and I can't wait to see what Banks and the crew do with the sequel.