
13 People On What Gets Them ~In The Mood~ Instantly

by Lea Rose Emery
BDG Media, Inc.

When it comes to what turns someone on, it's very much a 'to each their own' situation. Fantasies and turn-ons are far more varied than you might think. "Research shows that a wide range of sexual fantasies are both common and perfectly normal," Astroglide's Resident Sexologist Dr. Jessica O'Reilly tells Bustle. And it's totally natural to have a bit of a fascination with what's going on in other people's minds... and libidos. Luckily, the people of Reddit are there to help us out. They shared the one thing that someone can say that makes them instantly horny — and there's quite the range of responses.

While some people like really explicit language to turn them on, others get a kick out of the more pedestrian. It's an interesting insight into other people's sex lives and sexual preferences. Which is important because, beyond curiosity, getting a look at other people's sexual desires makes us feel more comfortable with our own. You can look at a list and see yourself reflected back in that and get a reminder that, when it comes to sex, there's definitely no such thing as normal.

Here's what they found, because sometimes it just takes a couple of words to go from zero to horny.

1Demanding What You Want

For some people, it's all about being assertive.

2The Right Compliment

Don't underestimate how much making someone feel comfortable and sexy is a game-changer.

3All About The Whisper

It's not always about what you say, it's about how you say it.

4This Old Tease

It's an especially great one to use in public — it's like your little secret they'll be thinking about until they got home.

5Just The Basics

It doesn't always have to be fancy.


Boobs, because... boobs.

7The Accent Affect

When I moved to England it was a confusing time.

8Something Clever

Brains are sexy. That's a fact.

9Just Going For It

That is pretty explicit — and it definitely does the trick.

10Anything You Want

It sounds like quite the prom night.


Some people just have certain words that do it for them.

12Describing How You're Feeling

For a lot of us, turning someone else on is a big turn on.

13Tell Them What You Want

Make them feel like you can't keep your hands off of them.

Everyone is going to have something special that turns them on — so yours may be on the list or it may be totally different. Just enjoy figuring out what works for you and your partner, then you can use it anytime, anywhere.