
13 Memes & Tributes To Share For Trans Visibility Day

by Laken Howard
Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

For anyone who's unaware, Friday, March 31 is International Transgender Day of Visibility — an annual holiday to acknowledge the transgender community and celebrate all of its amazing accomplishments. According to their website, Trans Visibility Day was founded in 2009 as "a reaction to the lack of LGBT holidays celebrating transgender people's successes." In short, the day is all about showing support and standing in solidarity with trans and gender nonconforming people, who are still fighting every day for equal rights and respect.

Under the Trump administration — which has already rescinded important trans-inclusive legislation — being an ally for the trans community is more vital than ever. If you want to do your part, the first step is to educate yourself about the trans and GNC communities, and figure out how to be a good trans ally. Fortunately, TDoV is an excellent opportunity to listen to and learn from trans people, hear about their experiences, and better understand why visibility is so crucial to the trans community.

It might seem like a small gesture, but voicing your support for the trans and GNC community on social media in honor of Trans Visibility Day is a great way to bring visibility. Here are 13 powerful memes and tributes to share on TDoV — and don't forget to show your support for the trans community every other day of the year, too.

1Support Your Sisters

2Everyone Deserves To Be Visible

3I'm An Ally

4A Handy Infographic

5Trans People Are People, Too

6A Perfect Example Of Progress

7Respect Others' Pronouns

8Trans Pride

9Trans Rights Are Human Rights

10An Inclusive Playlist To Jam To

11Gender Is Over

12 Accept Yourself

13We Stand By You

Today and every day, push yourself to be a better ally for marginalized communities — not only trans and GNC folks, but anyone whose existence is unacknowledged or disrespected by society. After all, standing together in solidarity, raising awareness, and fighting for equal rights is the only way to help ensure that the future is a more loving, tolerant place.