
13 Magical #19YearsLater Tweets That Celebrate Back To Hogwarts Day

by Melissa Ragsdale
Warner Bros. Pictures; Twitter/JK_Rowling

Harry Potter fans all around the world are coming together to celebrate Back to Hogwarts Day. That's right, today — Sept. 1, 2017 — is the exact day in the on which Harry, Ginny, and their family drop Albus Severus off for his first journey on the Hogwarts Express, as depicted in the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It also kicks off the exciting events that are now depicted in the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, signaling the end of the original story and the beginning of the new generation.

Every Potter fan remembers the time they first reached the epilogue of the seventh book, the words "Nineteen Years Later" printed at the chapter head. A strange mixture of sadness, satisfaction, and curiosity overcame you as you soaked up every detail of the trio's adult lives. At the time of publication, it seemed like that was going to be our final moment in the wizarding world.

Indeed, if you think back, September 1 has been an important day in every single Harry Potter book. As the day that students board the Hogwarts Express, it is the date of many significant events in the series, including the day Harry first meets Ron and Hermione in 1991.

This Potter holiday is particularly meaningful, though, because it marks an intersection of our IRL timeline with the timeline of the series, bringing everything full circle. But though it may feel like an ending for Potter fans, remember, as J.K. Rowling said, "Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."

1This perfect message from a fan.

2This video from the cast and crew of 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.'

3This sweet tweet, retweeted by J.K. Rowling today.

4The huge gathering of fans, counting down the exact moment at King's Cross Station.

5This amaaaaazing cake.

6This, ahem, astute observation

And JKR's response:

7These adorable fans.

8These fans at King's Cross.

9This fan's real ticket.

10This perfect train schedule.

11This cool fact.

12This lovely reminder.

13And This Shot Of Fans Who Came To See Albus Off

"All was well."