Krystal may have had her time with Arie cut short in The Bachelor (producers: Fallon Jethroe, Nikki Lazaran) season premiere, but she still snagged a rose at the end of the episode, meaning there should be plenty more opportunities for her to snag his eye — and the eyes of viewers. Her social media, naturally, will be picked apart, as is customary with all the ladies and gents who choose to enter the famed reality dating franchise, of which the rabid fanbase is notorious. And there's a lot we can learn from the Instagram account of Krystal, The Bachelor's resident fitness fiend.
She definitely seems willing to share most aspects of her life, including memes and jokes about her time on The Bachelor. And then, of course, the 29-year-old is armed to the nines with fitness photos, whether that means it's yoga, weight lifting, or a good old-fashioned run. She definitely seems extremely passionate about the career she's chosen as a fitness expert. In her official Bachelor biography, Krystal was asked what her greatest accomplishment to date was. She responded that it was, "Finding my purpose as a health and fitness coach. I LOVE what I do for work."
There's still plenty to find out about this woman who hopes to sweep Arie off his feet, so what else can we discover from her Instagram?
She's Skilled At Striking A (Yoga) Pose
A hefty portion of Krystal's feed is an impressive bunch of yoga poses. It seems to be her main form of exercise.
She's Very Into The Beach
Countless photos featured in Krystal's feed feature the ocean, the beach and palm trees. It seems that though she originally hails from Montana, according to her Bachelor bio, she definitely likes to soak up some rays on the coast. And if she sticks around long enough, she's likely in for a treat, given all the exotic vacations previewed for Arie and the women at the end of the season premiere.
She Already Has An Adorable Companion Back Home
Krystal certainly isn't the only dog lover this season on The Bachelor, but Wayney, as she affectionately calls him, is certainly an adorable little fella. Even if Arie doesn't end up giving Krystal the final rose, she's going to get lots of snuggles when she goes home.
She's Schmoozed With Jacob, But She's Still Team Edward
This is a questionable choice, Krystal. Declaring oneself "Team Edward" is a bold statement, and not one I think I can readily condone, but we'll let this one slide. The main takeaway here is that she somehow schmoozed with Taylor Lautner, and that's no small potatoes.
Her Healthy Lifestyle Doesn't Stop With Exercise
Even when she snacks, she does so with lots of fruit, granola, and while strolling the city in colorful sneakers.
She Has A Deep Love For Los Angeles
There are several pictures alluding to girls' trips to Los Angeles, and this one particularly dreamy snap of the distant skyline. It seems clear that Krystal has a fondness for the city.
She Can Appreciate A Good Oyster Bar
Krystal's shared some snaps from restaurants like this one, which appears to serve oysters and mimosas. Good choices, Krystal. We could hang.
She Works Out In Style
Unlike some of us normies, who heave through yoga workouts in ripped leggings and old, stained high school volleyball t-shirts (no, I'm not projecting), Krystal is seriously decked out in cute and cohesive workout gear, but manages to never look like she's trying too hard.
She's Not A Bad Cook, Either
Even when she's having a sugary treat, Krystal still keeps it real. This nutrition-minded gal even cooks up her own snacks. "Obsessed over these amazing energy bites I made to curb the sweet tooth monster," she wrote.
She Photographs Her Coffee, Just Like Us...
When there's a good setup on the table in front of you, even the best of us will snap a cute pic of our coffee, fashionable sunglasses, and a pretty flower. Krystal is no exception, and it seems like she's skilled at honing her Instagram aesthetic.
...And She Also Is No Stranger To A Brunch Table Snap
Who among us has not curated the perfect brunch photo for our social media feeds? You know you've all done it, and Krystal has, too. You should not apologize, especially when the plates look this yummy.
She Loves To Travel
We've already hit the beach, but that doesn't seem to be the only place Krystal roams. This photo was one of a few taken in Utah, where she apparently traveled for a convention of some sort.
Krystal certainly seems to have cultivated an Instagram-worthy life she loves, and only time will tell if some of these photos might include a life with Arie in the future.