By Monday, Nov. 26, Thanksgiving will be long gone and we'll all start getting ready to celebrate Christmas, arguably the biggest holiday of the year that is going to completely take over everything. But you may not have realized that Nov. 26 is an important holiday in itself: it's National Cake Day, and that's a day you need to recognize and celebrate. It's all about eating cake at any time of the day, no matter what kind, because it's about celebrating one of the best desserts out there. You can't go wrong with that! National Cake Day is also the best day to post some Instagram cake content, and of course, you'll need a caption that's on-point to go along with it. That's why we've come up with a few funny National Cake Day Instagram captions you can use with your photo.
What could you post for National Cake Day? Well, for starters, obviously a picture of an aesthetically pleasing cake is a great idea - and don't worry, you can totally snap a photo of a cake you saw in a bakery instead of trying to make a beautiful one yourself. Or, if you're a great baker, make it yourself! It will score you extra likes, and everyone will be super impressed with your skills. Another idea is a picture of you eating cake, of course, because that gives you an excuse to eat a lot of cake until you get the perfect photo. And then there's the option of a picture of you baking a cake, which shows just how handy you are in the kitchen.
Whatever picture you choose to post, it has to come with a caption that makes your followers smile and hit that like button. Because, really, why else are you posting a photo of cake? Below are a few cute and funny National Cake Day Instagram caption ideas that you'll want to use... while you enjoy your cake, of course:
1I need cake because Monday.
This is actually perfect because National Cake Day falls on a Monday!
2Life's too short to say no to cake.
It's true. Cake is delicious, and there's really no reason to continuously turn it down when it could be making your day so much better.
3"A party without cake is just a meeting." - Julia Child
This makes so much sense. A party without this dessert is just... boring.
4If we are what we eat... well, I am awfully sweet.
You can definitely use this caption with a photo of you stuffing your face with cake. Adorable!
5"If eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right." - Lorelai Gilmore, 'Gilmore Girls'
Of course Gilmore Girls' Lorelai Gilmore has the perfect cake quote! Why wouldn't she?
6I eat cake because it's somebody's birthday somewhere.
This is definitely true. Even if no one you know is celebrating a birthday, someone somewhere out there is. And that's all that matters.
7Happiness is knowing there is a cake in the oven.
Happiness is also smelling that cake as it bakes.
8"Romance is the icing but love is the cake." - Julia Child
In the other words, the icing is great, but it's the actual cake that really matters, are we right?!
10Pro tip: Keep cake moist by eating it all in one sitting.
The fastest way for cake to get stale is to let it sit out for a few days. Just eat it! You're better off.
11I want someone to look at me the way I look at chocolate cake.
With pure love and happiness in their eyes.
12Cake is the answer no matter what the question is.
It's true. Cake will solve pretty much anything for anyone.