12 Funny Instagram Captions About Going Back To School That Every Student Can Relate To

If the end of summer for you is synonymous with going back to school, you're probably not ready to return to those desk-chair combos, lecture halls, and term papers. The struggle is real. But, one way to push through your back-to-school pain is turning to humor, and these funny back to school 2018 Instagram captions just might make you feel a little bit better about going back to class.
The good thing about going back to school is being one step closer to the your degree. The bad thing is that if all of this summer's cosmic chaos has made you feel extra bajiggity, it might feel like you've had no summer break at all. However, Instagram always has your back, and you can go from posting your rosé-all-day pics to your funny beer-and-books snaps. Because, who doesn't need a beer after carrying around that philosophy text book that weighs eleventy-million pounds?
Back to school also means pumpkin-spice everything and crisp fall days, which means you can rock your new fall fashion for a few days before you adopt a sweatpants-and-ponytail uniform for the rest of the semester. While you might be feeling meh about heading back to class, take comfort in the fact that fall semester is peppered with holidays, and it usually tends to fly by. If that doesn't make you feel better, these funny back to school 2018 Instagram captions are just the thing.
1I'm going to be a Britney Spears video. — Rory Gilmore, 'Gilmore Girls'
Anyone who went to Catholic or private school knows the struggle of that mandatory plaid skirt that looks like it was pulled straight from Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby One More Time" video.
2In loving memory of summer vacation.
This summer was way too short, and it's totally appropriate to mourn the loss of your summer vacation.
3Please stick a fork in my neck. — Lucy Hale, 'Pretty Little Liars'
Too extra? It sounds a whole lot more appealing than calculus, which btw you'll never use again in your life. Where do I sign up for that bank-balancing class? Because, just putting the card into the ATM and hoping for the best really isn't working out. #backtoschoolgoals
4*New excuse to cancel plans* I'm busy tonight; I have class.
Translation: I don't want to hang out with you so I'm going to watch Netflix instead. Also, can I borrow your notes? I'm so busy with that whole Netflix-and-chill thing that I forgot to buy the book. Hey, can I borrow your book, too?
5Back to school motto: Sleep now, study later.
And by later I mean never. Seriously, school is the place to catch up on the all the sleep you missed over the summer.
6You can drag my body to school but my spirit refuses to go. — Bill Watterson
I might be sitting here in this desk-chair-combo thingy, but in my mind it's still unicorn pool floats and rosé-all-day.
7Does anyone know how to study? Asking for a friend.
P.S. please DM me info about how to get ready for this test.
8ax + bx2 = I don't want to go back to school.
I also napped a lot in math class in high school, so I have no idea what these letters and numbers even mean. A1 + B2 = I don't care.
9I don't know if I'm emotionally ready. — 'Pretty in Pink'
*Note to teacher about why I won't be in class.
10Back To School = A New Place To Nap
Hey, going back to school pretty much means that instead of napping at work you can nap in class. Change is hard, but you've totally got this.
11How I selected my roommate.
It's important to room with someone who shares your interests, passions, and hobbies.
12Amiright? Another year to go deeper into debt.
Back to school = bye bye bank balance. RIP summer. You will be missed.