
11 Eco-Friendly Habits You Can Easily Pick Up This Month

by Kaitlyn Wylde
ESA/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Committing to manage your household's waste by learning how to recycle properly is a great way to start off your journey as a responsible Earthling. But there are tons of ways to be eco-friendly that aren't just recycling that you should look into which go far beyond the day's trash. There are so many small changes that you can implement into your day-to-day life that have a minimal impact on you and a large impact on the planet, over time. And perhaps even more importantly, the changes that you adopt can inspire the people around you, too. Before you know it, you're really helping to save the planet and all you did was make a few adjustments. helpful.

A great way to begin making eco-friendly changes in your life is to start thinking about your lifestyle and the size of your carbon footprint — aka, the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds that are emitted as a result of your driving habits, travel habits eating habits, drinking habits, product usage, and electrical and water usage. You can calculate your personal footprint to start yourself off. Once you see where the bulk of your emissions come from, you can start to think about where to make minor adjustments. Here's a list of super easy ways to become more eco-friendly in your daily life.

Carry A Canvas Tote Bag

Plastic bags are incredibly difficult to recycle properly, and most of them end up in landfills. Fold up a canvas tote and bring it with you every time you leave the house. You can use it for groceries, clothes, pharmacy goods and leave the plastic bag at the store.

Switch Out Your Light Bulbs

Switch out all of your light bulbs to compact fluorescent. They use a quarter of the energy and last 10 times longer. It's a no-brainer.

Consider Cloth

Take a look in your kitchen garbage. I bet it's filled with paper towels and napkins. Instead of creating paper waste, try using reusable cloths in the kitchen. You can have one cloth just for hand-drying that stays clean, another cloth for wiping up messes, and another set of cloths to replace napkins.

Get It Secondhand

Before you buy something new — whether it's a car, a pair of jeans, or a piece of furniture — check to see if you can find it secondhand. Not only is it better for the environment, but it's way cheaper!

Use Water Better

You probably waste a lot of water and don't even realize it. If you're not willing to cut out your 20 minute hot showers, set a timer and scale back to 14 minutes. Turn the water off while you're brushing your teeth or scrubbing your face, and wash your clothes with cold water whenever possible!

Go To The Farmer's Market

If you can grow your own veggies and herbs at home, do it! If that's not an option for you, get your produce at the farmer's market. Buying unpacked veggies is a great way to become more eco-friendly, and it's a great way to get healthier local food.

Carry A Reusable Cup

Stop buying plastic water bottles. Get yourself a reusable bottle that can hold hot and cold drinks alike, and use that when you need a drink to go. You can bring it to your local coffee place and have them use your cup to cut back on waste.


If you have the option to catch a ride with a friend or a co-worker, choose that option. If you can't carpool, use public transportation.


Save on energy by unplugging all of your electronics when you're not using them. Don't leave your phone charger plugged in when your phone isn't charging and don't fall asleep with the TV on.

Use Natural Cleaners

Did you know that lemon, baking soda and vinegar make great cleaning agents that create little waste? Check out this site to learn more about swapping out your harmful chemical cleaners for natural ones.

Go Paperless

Switch all of your bills to online so that you no longer receive paper mail. Not only is this eco-friendly, but it's easier.