11 Things That Can Happen To Your Body During A Workout That You Should Never Ignore
You're at the gym working up a good sweat, and you're really pushing it. But as you're getting your workout on, you start to wonder if the burning in your lungs is a good thing or a sign you should slow it down a bit. It's always smart to listen to what your body is trying to tell you, so these are 11 things that happen during or after a workout that you definitely shouldn't ignore.
The general recommendation is to get 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day, such as a brisk walk, swimming, or mowing the lawn, according to Mayo Clinic. But adding in a little more intensity throughout the week, says Mayo Clinic, like running or aerobic dancing, and strength training is also good for your health.
But what happens if you take it up a notch? Is "no pain; no gain" really the best way to go? Not according to the experts. Dr. Aaron Baggish, associate director of the Cardiovascular Performance Program at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, told Harvard Health, "Be sensible if you have symptoms. It's better to get help so you can exercise for years to come rather than suffer a bad side effect because you were being stubborn." Watch out for these signs during and post-workout to make sure you stay safe and healthy.
1You Can't Talk While You're Working Out
If you're breathing too hard to comfortably hold a conversation while you're working out, you're probably pushing it too hard, according to Livestrong. That's a signal to slow down so you avoid serious injury.
2Your Heart's Pounding — But You're Not Working Out
There are a lot of different reasons your heart rate is elevated, but one of them could be that you're pushing it too hard during your workouts, according to Health. If your heart rate is higher than usual when you're not exercising, says Health, give yourself time to recover and hydrate.
3Your Chest Hurts
Chest pain during or after exercise can be the sign of something more serious, says Medical News Today, such as a heart attack, asthma, or muscle strain. If you experience chest pain during or after a workout, Medical News Today recommends seeing your doctor to make sure nothing else is going on.
4You Feel Short of Breath When You Shouldn't
When you exercise you expect to get a little short of breath. But if you find yourself getting short of breath when you're doing something that didn't make you breathless before, that's something to watch out for, according to Harvard Health. That could be a sign of high blood pressure or heart or lung problems, says Harvard Health.
5You're Feeling Dehydrated
It doesn't have to be super hot out for you to get dehyrated, according to Livestrong. If you go HAM during your workout but don't drink enough fluids, says Livestrong, you could get dehyrated. Livestrong recommends looking out for feelings of dry mouth, decreased urination, dizziness, fatigue, and muscle cramps, or even a headache. Make sure you're keeping water on hand before, during, and after your workouts, too.
6You're Sore All The Time
Some muscle soreness after a workout is normal, says Health, but chronic soreness is a sign that your body isn't repairing itself like it should. Without any recovery, Health says you're not making any health gains either. Take it down a notch and give your body some time to recover.
7You're Feeling Lightheaded
If you're feeling lightheaded or dizzy while you're working out, says Harvard Health, that could be a sign that you're having problems with your heart or lungs. But if you're feeling that way after a workout, Harvard Health says it could just mean you're dehydrated and need to replenish your fluids. So if you're feeling lightheaded, pay attention to when it's happening so you know if it's something you need to talk to your doctor about.
8You Feel Worn Down
If working out is making you feel exhausted instead of energized, you might be burned out and need a recovery period, according to Health. Michele Olson, professor of kinesiology at Auburn University at Montgomery in Alabama, told Health she recommends taking a week off of exercise, followed by a restorative workout such as yoga.
9Your Joints Hurt During Exercise
Joint pain caused by arthritis usually loosens up and goes away during exercise, so if a joint continues to hurt while you're exercising, there's something else going on, according to Harvard Health. You could be having an issue with a tendon, ligament, or a muscle that needs to be addressed, says Harvard Health.
10You Get A Bad Leg Cramp
Getting a leg cramp while working out might not seem like a huge deal, but it might signal a blockage in your leg's main artery, according to U.S. News & World Report. At the very least, you might want to mention it to your doctor during your next check-up.
11You're Getting Sick All The Time
Have you noticed you've suddenly started to catch everyone else's cold? That could be a sign you're overdoing it at the gym. According to Livestrong, over-exercising can actually break down your immune system, making you more susceptible to getting sick. Considering giving yourself a rest so your body can recover.
Getting up and moving is so amazing for the mind and body, but it's always important to listen to your body if it's trying to tell you something is up. These are just a few of the warning signals your body might try to send you if something ever goes wrong while you're jazzercizing your way to awesome health.