11 Human Foods You Didn’t Know Your Dog Can Safely Eat

If you have a dog, you know that most are basically living, breathing vacuums. If there's food on the floor, your dog is trying to eat it. As a result, many dog owners often focus on the things that we know dogs can't eat, like onions, chocolate, grapes, gum, etc. But there are some surprising things you dog can actually eat that you should know about, too. Some things that seem totally non-dog friendly are not just OK for dogs to eat, but actually good for their health.
Sharing an ice cream cone with your dog will not do their health any favors, despite how happy your dog might seem to be eating it with you. But sharing a sweet potato with your dog could actually benefit their overall health. So here I've rounded up a few foods that you don't need to pull out of your dog's mouth, especially if your dog is more like a Roomba, sucking up food droppings behind your ankles as you cook in the kitchen. Not to mention, if you're interested in cooking your dog's meals at home, you can mix and match these ingredients to create a balanced and fresh meal that doesn't come from a can.
Raw carrots are a great alternative to dog treats and cooked carrots are a great additive to your dog's dinner. Just remember that carrots are high in sugar, so treat your dog sparingly.
Peanut Butter
While peanut butter is totally safe for dogs to eat (and most dogs are obsessed with it) keep in mind that it's only good in moderation. So a few licks here are there are fine, but do make it a daily habit.
As long as they're cooked, eggs are a totally safe and nutritious option for a doggy breakfast or dinner.
Salmon is found in a lot of dog foods as it is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which doesn't just help your dog's internal health, but also their skin and nails.
Blueberries have antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber, plus they're very easy to eat, so feel free to swap out your dogs fatty treats for a blueberry here and there.
Watermelon is a hydrating, cooling treat for dogs. It's low in calories and high in vitamin A.
You'll find peas as an ingredient in most dog foods, so they're totally safe and nutritious.
Apples are a great sweet treat for dogs, they have vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but apple seeds are actually toxic for dogs, so make sure you never feed your dog a full apple. Cut it into splices and throw away the core to be safe.
Sweet Potatoes
A lot of dog foods have sweet potatoes mixed in, as they are easy to digest and rich in vitamin A. Just make sure that you use sweet potatoes as less than half of your dog's meal to keep it balanced.
Rice doesn't hold a lot of nutritional value for dogs, but if your dog has an upset stomach or loose stool, rice is a great kibble replacement. It will help to calm their stomach and bind their stool.
Dogs love corn, it's sweet, it's energizing and it's easy for them to eat when you slice off the kernels. They don't get much from it, nutritionally, but it's not harmful.