11 Books To Help You Make The Most Of The Last Four Months Of 2018

I don't mean to alarm you, but there are less than four months left in 2018. I know, I know. Where has the time gone? What have you been doing? Why haven't you accomplished anything other than watching To All the Boys I've Loved Before 15 times? Don't worry, I'm in the exact same boat as you, and I'm willing to bet you and I are not alone. But that doesn't mean that the next four months have to be a total repeat of what's come before. After all, think of it this way: there are still four whole months to get productive, refresh your headspace, figure out your career goals, and make some creative moves. And there are tons of books out there that will help you do all of the above.
The 11 self-help books here, all 2018 releases, delve into some aspect of work and life that will have you feeling inspired to hit the reset button on this year, and make the most of it before the calendar turns to 2019. Whether you want to get organized, get over a creative hump, or just feel better mentally before hibernation season hits and the holidays ramp up your busy schedule, use these books as a guide to getting the most out of every day in the rest of 2018 and beyond.
'WorkParty: How To Create & Cultivate The Career Of Your Dreams' by Jaclyn Johnson
The Goal: Make The Most Of Your Current Career
The Book: Jaclyn Johnson's WorkParty has actionable advice and useful resources for anyone who is either just breaking into a career, or who has years of experience and wants to take things to the next level. If you want to make work the most fulfilling, productive and joyful it's ever been, add this book to your cart.
'No Mistakes: A Workbook For Imperfect Artists' by Keiko Agena
The Goal: Get Out Of Your Own Way, And Start Creating
The Book: Creative procrastination is often a symptom of perfectionism, and Keiko Agena's workbook-meets-advice-book will snap you out of your rut with activities that will open up your mind.
'How to Get Sh*t Done: Why Women Need To Stop Doing Everything So They Can Achieve Anything' by Erin Falconer
The Goal: Be More Productive, In A Healthy Way
The Book: In her book, Erin Falconer argues for a way to actually do less while accomplishing so much more. If you want to be super productive in the last months of 2018 but you don't want to sacrifice your mental health to do it, this is the book for you.
'In Conclusion, Don't Worry About It' by Lauren Graham
The Goal: Absorb some simple advice with massive pay-off
The Book: Maybe you don't have time to read a whole book about productivity or creativity, but you want a kick in the pants that's going to help you recharge and rest so you can tackle the end of the year with confidence and gumption. Lauren Graham's book is just that; she covers everything from imposter syndrome to relationship mishaps, and does it all with the lighthearted yet helpful voice of someone's who's been exactly where you are and got out relatively unscathed.
'The Year of Less' by Cait Flanders
The Goal: Live more minimally and buy with more intention
The Book: If you want to downsize your possessions before 2019, nothing will motivate you more than reading Flanders' own experience with going from shopaholic to minimalist. Even if you're not looking to adopt a minimalist lifestyle or stop shopping completely, this book will have you thinking twice about what you keep around you and why.
'Choose Wonder Over Worry' by Amber Rae
The Goal: Work through your fear to reach your goals
The Book: Rae's book will help you look past what is holding you back from the life you want to live and help you start making moves toward what you truly desire. It's an important read if your mental health and career progress are both non-negotiable priorities for you.
'Take the Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life' by Sara Bliss
The Goal: Finally start that new job or entirely new career
The Book: OK, so you've been wanting to leave your crappy job forever, or finally start that podcast you've been sitting on for months. Sara Bliss has compiled the stories of over 65 people who took the very leap you've been afraid to take, and shares their advice for how to dive into the next chapter of your career, creative and personal life.
'Brave, Not Perfect: Fear Less, Fail More, and Live Bolder' by Reshma Saujani
The Goal: Stop fearing failure and live more boldly
The Book: Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, knows what is feels like to have big goals and even bigger expectations — and yet be paralyzed by fear. She found a way to overcome this, and now she's going to help you do it, too. If you spent most of 2018 holding yourself back from your own aspirations because you're used to playing it safe, this book will help you change all of that.
'Heart Talk: Poetic Wisdom For A Better Life' by Cleo Wade
The Goal: Get a quick burst of to inspiration to tackle your day to day
The Book: Sometimes you don't need a huge overhaul. Sometimes, you just need small reminders that your life is meaningful, your work has purpose, and your soul deserves care. Read this one in the morning or before bed for a constant flow of inspiration.
'In Focus Meditation' by Jacqueline Towers
The Goal: Increase your mental health with self-care in the form of meditation
The Book: Meditation has been one of the most valuable tools I've added into my own life. If you've been holding off on starting your own practice because you feel like a fish out of water when it comes to meditating, In Focus Meditation will have you feeling like an old pro in no time. It's full of history, tips, and meditation exercises that will help you incorporate it seamlessly into your own life.
'Make Yourself At Home: Design Your Space to Discover Your True Self' by Moorea Seal
The Goal: Create a space that is entirely your own
The Book: Reorganizing, redecorating, and revitalizing your space, can have a hugely positive effect on your mental health and productivity. Moorea Seal's book will help you figure out how to make make your home a sanctuary.